Chapter 14

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Carson's POV

'Jack, watch your back.' I said through the link as I saved him from another attack. With how much training they have been doing these past couple of months you would think he would be ready.

'Sorry Alpha.' He said, running towards another rogue.

The fight has been going on for over an hour. Every time we are close to winning another 50 rogues come out of no where. We have already lost three of our own but are still hanging in there. Michael has been doing an awesome.

'Where are they coming from.' Jace yelled through the link as another 20 come into our view.

'I don't know but we have got to do something. We can't keep going through this.' I said, helping Michael with the two he had on him.

'Dad, I smell him.' Michael said, taking out the wolf before running in the direction of Dave's scent.

'Damn it, Jace I'm going after Michael.' I said then took off after Michael. I heard footsteps behind me but judging by the smell it was Jace.

After running for about 10 minutes we finally find Dave unconscious laying by a tree. He was really bloody, dirty, and the weird part was he had a note stuck to his chest. Taking it off I put it in my back pocket before shifting and picking him up.

'I need the pack doctor ASAP.' I yelled through the mind link and took off running. It wasn't as fast in human form but I didn't want to chance him falling off while in wolf form or hurting him more.

Reaching the clearing to the house I run straight in past Tyler who had the door held open for us. Going straight to the infirmary I place him on a bed. Straight away, the doctors start hooking him up to a bunch of machines. Instantly the heart monitor started beeping at a very slow pace and slowing as they continue on.

I pulled Michael into me and hold him while he cries in my shoulder. Tyler was in Jace's lap, crying in his shoulder while Sara stood next to the door. Tears were running down her cheeks as she watched the doctors help her brother.

"What are they doing?" Michael asked, whispering.

"I'm not sure but I'm sure we will find out soon." I said, brushing his hair back.

What seemed like hours later the doctor finally got his heart rate back to normal. He was still unconscious but stable.

"You might not want to be in here for the examination. It would actually be best if you went and rested for a bit. I will call you back when I'm done and tell you what I find."

I nodded then walked out. Michael hung on me like a koala, mimicking what Tyler was doing to Jace.

I walked to Michaels room and laid him in his bed. "Go to sleep I will wake you when we hear something." I whispered then kissed his forehead and walked out. Leaning against his door I sighed and close my eyes. Slowly I slid to the floor trying to push back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Come here." I heard Jace whisper, helping me off the floor. He wrapped my arms around his waist while his went around my neck.

The tears that were threatening to fall finally did as I cried in his neck.

"It's not your fault." Jace whispered in my ear. But it was. There was a reason I was on edge that night and I should have seen it. I could have prevented it. If I had Dave wouldn't be fighting for his life right now and Michael wouldn't be hurting. It's all my fault.

A/N- sorry for the late update been a busy week for me because I start back to work starting Tuesday. I posted on my wall the updates for my stories so check in to see when I will be posting.

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