Chapter 20

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Jace's Pov

"I got everything in order. All we need now are the kids to meet there. I'm sure once they get close enough Darren will feel them. They all need to mate first though." Carson said, scrunching his nose in distaste.

I smiled and kissed the top of Tyler's head who was asleep on my lap. "We have no choice anyway. I still want to know how they found their mate so fast though."

Carson stretched out on the couch we were sitting on in our room and laid his head on my lap before taking Tyler's hand. "Are kids are special. We knew that before they were conceived. Should have known they would find their mates early." 

I nodded and sighed, laying my head back on the back of the couch. "I'm trying not to think about our kids not being innocent by tomorrow but I can't."

Carson chuckled. "Thats wrong." He said looking up at me. "But I can't either." He reached over and grabbed his drink off the table. "Thats why alcohol is my best friend right now." He said, chugging his beer.

I chuckled, startling Tyler making him move around before falling back asleep with his head resting on my shoulder. I smiled at that, loving the feeling of his soft breathing against my neck.

"He's been stressing himself out a lot." Carson said, staring at Tyler.

I nodded and sighed, bitting my lip. "I know but hopefully this will be all over soon."

"What do you think of James?" Carson asked the question I had been waiting for all day. I had been thinking about it all day if I had liked him or not but I realized it didn't matter. I had no say in the matter even if I was his father. His wolf was the one so I didn't matter. But to be honest I did like him. Watching them all day today he reminded me of Carson when I had first found them walking up to me at the mall. 

"You like him." He said, scrunching his nose up again making me chuckle again. 

"He reminds me of you." I said, leaning my head towards him. "When we first met you were always acting like the adult. I think it had to do with your teacher nature."

Carson chuckled. "He does act like that, don't he." 

I smiled and nodded. "Ya but he's stuck with the boys for the rest of his life, someone needs to put them in place."

Carson nodded. "Ya now I just feel bad for him."

I smiled. "At least he got past the diaper stage. How many times did we walk in and find them naked. Should have known then they were going to be mates."

Carson chuckled. "Of course, they take after you. How many times did me and Tyler walk in finding you naked?" He asked, looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his head away lightly. "Shut up that was so long ago I can't even remember plus I was 18 hadn't even gotten the alpha title yet so how is that fair."

Carson laughed. "Hard to believe you act more like the man in our relationship yet I'm the oldest by 130 years."

"Haha that actually looks better on me then it does you." I smirked, looking at him.

He flipped me the bird, making me laugh, and turned away, laying his head back on my lap. "I do seem to remember being top during our mating."

I shrugged. "I still topped Tyler so it doesn't matter." I smirked. "We should probably change the subject wouldn't want to wake Tyler." I looked at Carson who was looking away with red cheeks. I chuckled and started stroking his hair.

"Are we really going through with this tomorrow. I mean we could still wait for him to come to us."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "I'm tired of us not having time to enjoy our life. Our kids are gonna be out of the house soon now that they have their mates and I really don't want to have them in danger with someone as nuts as Darren trying to kill them everywhere they go. The soon we get this out of the way the better."

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