Chapter 3

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Jace above.


Jace's POV

I honestly don't know what had gotten into me lately but I was being rude to everyone. Maybe it was just the worry that I couldn't get away from. I had been trying to stay strong for Carson and Tyler, mostly, but I couldn't shake this bad feeling away. As I walked through the upstairs of the house I noticed everyone scurrying away from me like I would start yelling at them any moment.

I was trying everything I could to calm myself down but nothing was working. Tyler had tried last night with sex but I couldn't even do that which instantly made Carson and Tyler worried because that wasn't like me, especially with them to who could get me up with just a provocative look in my way. Nothing I did helped so I did the only thing I thought could. I ran out the door and jumped over the porch. Before I landed I was in full wolf form then took off into the woods.

Once I got to my special spot I walked over to the water and started drinking. No one but Carson and Tyler new this place. It was in the middle of our land but you had to go through a lot of bushes and trees that didn't even seem worth it but I found this huge waterfall. It was just as beautiful as Carson's eyes. The aqua blue of his eyes was a perfect match to the water. Looking up at the sky always reminded me of Tyler's eyes and his personality. So carefree. This dickhead Darren was changing that though and I hated it. He hadn't been himself since all of this started and come to think of it he hadn't been himself since the beginning of our relationship. Since the fight he has completely changed. Then again we do have kids to take care of now and all this stress has probably changed his mood and now we are having another one. Thank god it was only one and not three. That was hell. Not only did he have the weirdest cravings ever but the late nights were probably the worst.

Taking a drink of water I started hearing footsteps behind me making me turn around quick and crouch down, growling. When I noticed it was just Carson in wolf form I slowly walked over to him and pushed my nose in his neck.

'What are you doing out here alone? You could have gotten hurt.' He said, walking over to the pond and taking a drink.

'My wolf was restless and wanted to be alone.' I said, walking over to him and pressing my nozzle against his next. 'Has anything happened since I have been gone?' I asked, laying down on my side.

He shook his head. 'Nothing out of the norm.' He said, laying next to me.

I knew Tyler wouldn't be far behind him so I sighed and got up. 'Lets get back before we make Tyler shift to come after us.'

He chuckled and nodded standing up with me. 'Wanna race.' He looked at me with that all to familar glint in his eyes.

I smirked to myself. 'Last one there gets to make dinner.'

He laughed. 'Its your turn anyway I made it last night.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Ready, set-' Before I could say go he took off running leaving me with at least a full stride behind him. 'CHEATER.' I yelled laughed as I caught up with him.

He laughed and sped up, making me do the same.

Once we made it back to the house, him winning of course, we went straight up the stairs still in wolf and into our room finding Tyler fast asleep on our bed.

I shifted then grabbed some clothes for me and Carson. I tossed Carson his then got dressed in nothing but sweats then got in next to Tyler. "He is going to worry himself until he's crazy." I whispered, trying not to wake him up.

"I keep trying to tell him that he doesn't need to worry so much but then again we all are."

I sighed and stroked his hair. "You wanna go to silver dollar city tomorrow or do you think it's to soon."

"Probably to soon. We can ask him when he wakes up." He said, standing up. "I'm going to go find something to eat."

I nodded then looked back down at Tyler, sighing.

"You guys are worrying to much." Tyler whispered, looking up at me.

"Your one to talk." I chuckled. "How long have you been up."

"Long enough to know about silver dollar city and it's to soon."

I smiled and nodded. "And we have a right to worry. We don't want anything happening to you or the boys just as much as you do."

"I know but I'm pregnant. Knowing if something happens to me the baby could be in danger."

"You didn't think about that before with the triplets."

"Thats because I wasn't in love with them like I am now. They we're technically the reason we we're being attacked. I honestly didn't think I could love them."

I smiled slightly. "They are still the reason, hon."

"No I know. But I have met them and realize they are my kids and I wouldn't give them up for the world."

I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I have to make dinner tonight."

"I thought it was your turn anyway."

I nodded. "It was but Carson beat me in a race even though he cheated."

He rolled his eyes. "You and your guys racing."

I smirked. Don't tell me you don't think it's sexy."

"Maybe a little but it is fur butt instead of human butt and human but is better plus the front view with you to running naked would keep us up all night." He smirked.

"Wait until this is all over you will regret saying that." I said and started tickling him.

He started giggling and squirming to get away. "Thats not fair." He squealed when I started getting his sides then jumped up. "I'm going to take a shower." He said, sticking his tongue out at me before walking into the bathroom.

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