Chapter 24

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Lying in my bed feeling the random shining through the window trying to awake me from my deep sleep. I moved a little feeling my sore and stiff so I rolled over to my side to stretch my back a little, but once I rolled onto my side the shoulder and arm felt tiny soft tingled touching my arm. I instantly sit up opening my eyes shutting the quickly at the blinding bright light and the piercing pain that pulsed in my head. I rubbed my face trying to figure out what was going on, as I slowly opened them again and looked around. I looked to my right and could see Jane on the ground next to me, next to her was Tiffany, as Mark laid next to her.


I rubbed my face trying to wake up more and figure out how we had ended up here and where here was. I pushed myself up to stand realizing my shoes were gone as I glanced at the others seeing we all didn't have shoes. As I fully stood up I felt my stomach drop and the sickening feeling start crawling up my throat as I moved quickly away from the others to the next closest tree. The vomit came out as soon as I leaned against the tree. I dropped to my knees as I heaved more, and the pounding in my head throbbed with every breath I could catch. Once I felt safe I was not going to barf again I moved away from the puck so I couldn't smell the potent odor. I crawled my way back to where the other where sleep and stopped at the tree setting up against the trunk.


I rubbed my face again trying to remember anything from last nights, but it was all foggy and I couldn't remember much. I looked around trying to figure out where are, and I realized we were at the park we had been at yesterday after school. I checked my pockets for my phone, but it wasn't there all I had was my wallet and my gun. As I continued trying to remember how we got here.




I sat in an isolated interrogation room for about an hour alone handcuffed wait for someone to come in and try to interrogate me. This waiting game the police tried playing was irritating and I couldn't stand just sitting here, wasting my time. I wanted to know what was happening, where Jane was and when I was going to be allowed to go. I knew Dante lawyer was here, he was chatting with another man who looked familiar, but I only saw a small view of his profile before I was shoved into the back room. I continued to sit here tell the door opened and the lawyer came in closing the door behind him. I pulled the chair out that sat across from me.


"so you and Jane set Jonathan canton son's car on fire" the lawyer said as he looked at me with raised eyebrows as he read over the paper in front of him "well lucky Jonathan, has pulled the charges David tried pressing against you, and you will be released in about an hour" he said as he shoved paper back into his briefcase


"what about Jane?" I said watching him organize


"well the trespassing and vandalism charges have been dropped as well, but the state department is going after her with arson charges because she set a car on fire, which was followed by an explosion once the fire reached the gas tank, as well as causing damage to the neighboring property, but they won't be pressing charges and have been dealt with" he said looking annoyed "it will take be a little longer to get her out, but she is safe in a holding cell now" he said standing up "I will see you in a few days or when you two decided to get yourself arrested again" he said chuckling as he walked out

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