Chapter 18

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I know its been a while but the issues i have wth my hand are really causng me a lot of pain. and its taking me a while to type this because have to stop every time the pain starts up and wait a few hour of rest. i will try to keep updating as fast as i can.



The driver to David party was long and gave me time to reflect on what Nikita had said before I left the party. What had Nikita meant when she said that David be threatened by me, he knows I'm her bodyguard. That thought also reminded me about what the report was talking about when I had first arrived and that report asking about history repeating myself. Was there something I didn't know about Jane's parents. I tried remembering what I had learned about Dante in school, but was coming up short of any explanation. Dante Had married Lana after a year of dating, then he took over his father's business then sometime after had Jane. So what history was I missing? I guess I wasn't sure about Lana history so much. I knew she was high society and very rich and from a good family.


I finally snapped out of thoughts when I realized that Mark's car was slowing down and starting to pull over. I followed his action and parked behind him. As did Vincent and Dominick who had followed me in the same car. I got out quickly and started walking toward the house. I was still ferrous that Jane had run out of the charity event, not as mad as I was when I first found out, but still I was irritated because why didn't they just tell Dante and he would have put a stop to it


"let's go around back, might be easier to slip in with alerting the girls of our presence so we can slip in and out" Vincent said, I nodded


"Vincent the girls knew were coming, they planned the entire thing to get us here" Mark said walking next to me as I looked at him confused at how he knew this "I knew from the begin sorry, I didn't tell you because Tiffany asked me not to and they really wanted your help and I let them do what they wanted, I didn't think they would run off like that" I shrugged


"I just wished, I would have had a heads up, to their scheming, I would have agreed to help, didn't like David in the first place and after his antics at the school and after learning about his recent past indiscretion, I don't mind helping bring him down" I said thinking about what Nikita had said and how much it infuriated me that prick had Jane attention. Mark stopped walking, as I did the same.


"Guys go on I need to talk to river alone for a second" he said as he kept walking toward a back wooden gate, where I could hear people talking


"what is it" I said getting slightly impatient, I needed to find Jane, I wanted to make sure she was safe and get her away from the banker's son


"sometimes doing what you think is right is the wrong thing, I know you want to do your best to make Dante happy, but there is another way of doing things that could make you happy as well" he said looking toward the fences


"what are you talking about? I am happy" I said getting irritated


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