Chapter 3

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As I walked out of my house I spotted Tiffany's car, parked at the bottom of the stairs and quickly made my way to her car. Her black Jaguar xf v6, was a nice looking car, but I preferred classic or super fast cars. Nikita got out and moved to the back seat as I slid into the passenger seat. As I closed the door I glanced behind me and saw Gina and Courtney moving over to make room for Nikita

"Get changed we're going to your uncle's club tonight" Tiffany said as I looked over to see her handing me a pair of heels

"Awesome, I really want to test out those new cages he installed" I said taking the shoes, as she started to drive away

I had worn close over my club clothing, so my parents wouldn't see and get all involved in my social life. All of our parents are always whining about us going out and drawing too much attention and that it was dangerous. I guess in a way the world we grew up in is not really the safest environment, but we are young and they really need to understand we need to have a life apart from theirs. Whats making things worse is that my father keeps trying to threaten me with assigning me a protective detail early. It's a rule that I have a guard when I reach adulthood for some idiotic reason.

Under my conservative clothing I wore a tight black tube top that showed my midriff and black metallic dance shorts. I tossed my parents approved clothing in my bag and slipped the heels on as Tiffany drove weaving through traffic and the other girls sat singing in the back. We all have been friends from a young age, our parents do a lot of 'business' together and we naturally became friends because we all understood what it's like to grow up with parents with high-ranking titles in the mob. Though I had it a little different because my father has power over everyone. I looked out the window and saw we were almost to my uncle Dean's club. I liked his club because it is one of the few that lets us drink underage.

We got out of the car and walked up to the bouncer who smiled and open the door automatically without hesitation. While I heard a groan and words from those that had to wait in line. We just kept walking in as the music became louder as I could see the lights flashing all around. We headed straight for the bar and ordered a couple of around of shots before my uncle wrapped his arms around me giving me a giant bear hug.

"So girls, I see you're already enjoying yourself" my uncle Dean said as we all laughed and smiled at him

"Uncle Dean can we test out your new cages tonight?" I said giving him my most innocent puppy dog eyes

"And here I thought you came just to spend some quality time with your beloved uncle" Dean said, as he faked a hurt expression

"Uncle Dean, this is quality time since you're always working" he nodded with understanding

"Okay girls, give me a moment and I'll get the cages ready to go" was he reached over and took my last shot off the table and drank it "take it easy on the drinks girls I don't want to get calls from your parents again" he set the glass down and walked away

"We're going to go find some toys to play with be back in a few" Gina said as she and Courtney slid off their stool and went toward the dance floor

I just shake my head, as I watched them disappear into the crowd. They loved to find men and use them worse than a man whore would. I still loved them, they made me laugh and even if they sometimes went overboard with the guys. I sat watching the dance floor looking to see if there was any attractive guys that could entertain me for the night, but was becoming disappointed in my search. I'm not like Courtney or Gina and any hot guy will do, I just guess I wanted something other than a one-night stand. I also didn't want to lose my virginity to some stranger I wanted it to mean something. Tiffany lost it a year ago with her then boyfriend, but her parents' found out and we haven't seen him since that day. Tiffany was a devastated she loved him a lot and it was hard to see her go through that.

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