Chapter 35

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"Jane, get Mark" River commanded as I felt him shove me and I stumbled as I realized I need to run

I ran as fast as I could, tripping and stumbling my way back to the warehouse, it's not easy to run in heels, plus there were puddles everywhere and it made the ground slippery. My ankles were throbbing I was panicking, I couldn't hear anything over my pounding heartbeat. I didn't know what was happening behind me, I couldn't afford to look back, I had to get to mark. I Turned the last corner and saw the line of bikes and stumbled again and my ankle throbbed harder in pain, I should have abandoned them, but there was glass on the ground. But finally I made it to the door and bolted inside, there was another fight taking place and the crowd was roaring I screamed Mark's name as I made my way toward the staircase where I could see mark rushing down the stairs followed by everyone.

"Jane" mark grabbed onto me as I stumbled in my heels again from exhaustion and pain

"River there is guy in the alley, around the corner a couple of blocks" I gasped out

"Stay here" mark said as Tiffany grabbed onto me "Let go quickly" he said as he stopped and turned "wait someone needs to stay here with them" he said as I rolled my eyes about to yell at him to go get river

"I'll stay and call Dante" David standing beside me pulling out his phone as Mark gave him a warning look

"Fine" he said after a second pause and took off with Dominick, Vincent and Kegan following behind quickly

"What happened?" Tiffany asked as I sighed, we were talking and two guys one was named Mason" came out a door that lead into the alley and I don't know, river told me to run"

"Dante and Gino are on their way, go back upstairs now" David said and I glared at him, who does he think he is ordering any of us around

"Let's go" Tiffany said pulling on my arm as I grumbled as David followed up behind us with his friends

"Get anyone that doesn't need to be up here out" David said behind me

I ignored him as his presence was irritating me, what in the worlds did he think he was doing. I waited leaning on Tiffany as my ankle throbbed and I glared at David, who was talking and ordering people around like he was in charge of everything. He was the one who probably orchestrated this whole mess. I looked over at the stairs as everyone's attention suddenly switched focus and saw Mark and the rest of the guys quickly ascending the staircase. Hopping off the chair once I noticed River was not with them, my heart beats exhilarated as I started to feel panic

"Jane what happened?" Mark said in a very threatening voice

"I don't know we were..." I said, stopping I can't say what we were doing out there if my dad and his dad were on their way it would get back to them and that would be very bad

"You were what Jane, this isn't the time to zone out or mess around what happened!?" Mark said in a very scary voice this time that snapped me out of my thoughts and made me shrink away from him

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