Video Game Lovers
Chapter 14Laurence POV
I wake, the beautiful sunshine filling my bedroom. I yawn, and hop out of bed. Time for another fun day at the convention. I get dressed and even run a comb through my hair. I place a hand on the door knob, feeling as if I am missing something. I shrug and open the door.The door on the other side of the hallway is thrown open at the same time. I freeze. Oh, that's wat I forgot about. I stare right at her, unable to move and she does the same.
Suddenly we both come to our senses it seems. Yesterday's events rush back and we immediately avoid eye contact. I step into the elevator, trying to look everywhere but at Aph.
She is just so beautiful, and funny, and... and... perfect. I shake my head. Don't think those kinds of thoughts, Sasha already ruined things, and Aph has obviously already moved on. I wonder who that blonde dude was anyway.
By this point we had somehow reached the convention. We walked side by side through the doors, it took all my will power not to reach out and take her hand. I loved the sensation of our hands intertwined, even if I had only felt it a couple times.
Unintendedly we split up, exploring opposite sides of the convention. This doesn't bother me much, and I promptly forgot about my love life troubles and immersed myself into World of Diariescraft. A little while later, I was sitting down, reading the map, trying to figure out where to go next.
I heard someone call my name, so I looked up. It was Vylad. We hugged and started catching up. "Wow Laurence, I didn't expect to see u here!" Vylad exclaimed. "You like World of Diariescraft?" I asked. He nodded.
"Hey, I don't have a partner, could we be a team?" He asked hopefully. I blushed, remembering Aph. "Sorry, I already have a partner." I replied. Vylad looked disappointed, but he nodded.
We stood in silence for a moment. "Hey, wanna come over to where I'm staying? Then u can meet my older brother." Vylad said. That sounded like a good idea, I was getting kind of bored of the convention. We took a cab to this row house, and stepped out.
"This is where my brother lives." Vylad stated. I nodded, and we entered the house. I looked around, pretty tidy. I was looking forward to meeting this brother of his. Just as we entered the kitchen, we saw him, and I stopped in my tracks.
It was him, the guy I saw Aph with yesterday. "Hi, I'm Garroth, Vylad's big brother." I nodded and shook his hand. Garroth offered a seat, but I refused. I couldn't stay here.
I can't even stand to look at this guy, he stole Aph from me. Not that Michi was much of a help. So I made an excuse and got myself out of that house. I look a cab and went to the hotel.
I didn't feel like going anywhere. I sat on my bed and watched TV, trying to push everything out of my mind. But I couldn't all I could do was think, over and over was the scene of Garroth and Aph playing in my head. I turned off the TV and went to sleep.

Video Game Lovers
RomanceLaurence and Aphmau have been gaming partners for along time. But will they become more then just partners?!