Video Game Lovers
Chapter 11Aphmau POV
A smile is plastered onto my face as I depart from the stage. Senpei talked to ME!! I am practically screaming in my head. I see Laurence waving me over. I turn around to get one last close up look at Senpei. I sigh contentedly.I turn back toward Laurence and stop. The world goes blurry as a feel my eyes start to tear up. Laurence is kissing someone! I run. I can't see this. Why Laurence, why? Why did u lie to me, claiming u loved me. U clearly don't.
My amazing day has taken a turn to the worst. I hear a yell. I turn around to see Laurence running towards me. I stop, and almost hug him, then I see her. The girl Laurence was kissing pointing at me and laughing.
Laurence reaches me and is about to put his arms around me when I push him away. "Go away Laurence!". I turn away and start walking towards the door, tears falling. When I reach it I look back.
Laurence is standing there, in shock it seems. He hasn't moved since I pushed him away. We stare into each other's eyes. I cry even harder, managing to get out, "U obviously don't love me anyway...". I push through the doors, my tears blinding me as I run.
I get in a taxie and collapse on the seat. Somehow I manage to get back to the hotel and up to my floor. I open my door and close it when I have gotten inside. I plummet onto the bed letting it soak up my tears.
I wipe my tears and look in the mirror. My makeup is smeared everywhere. I sniffle and finally stop crying. Why was Laurence kissing that girl? I thought he loved me. I thought we were meant to be.
I fall back on my bed and see the shirt Senpei gave me sticking out of my purse. I grab it and start hugging it like a teddy bear. I grin remembering how close I was to Senpei. Then I remember looking out into the audience and seeing Laurence give me a thumbs up. I start to cry again.
No, I snap myself out of it. Aphmau u need to do something to take ur mind off Laurence. Suddenly I remember the arcade. I guess that would be fun. I walk into the bathroom and wipe off the makeup. I compose myself and walk out the door. This is going to be fun!
Hey guys, a pretty sad episode today. Hope u like it. I realized that most of my fanfics never really get sad. So in this fanfic I decided that Laurence and Aph would have more of a bumpy relationship. Hope u like it, thx for reading!

Video Game Lovers
RomanceLaurence and Aphmau have been gaming partners for along time. But will they become more then just partners?!