Video Game Lovers
Chapter 9Aphmau's POV
I turned over yawning. I didn't want to wake up from this amazing dream that Laurence loved me. Suddenly I open my eyes and realize that, it wasn't a dream, it was reality. Yesterday's events come flashing back and I mini fangirl under my covers.Laurence loves me back. Laurence loves me back! "Laurence loves me back!!" I yell and jump out of bed with a giant smile on my face. Then I notice the clock. 7:30! I'm gonna be late!
I jump in the shower and jump out in record time. Throwing on a cute outfit and brushing my hair at the same time. I grab the handle of the door, when my eye falls on some makeup.
I reassure myself that the only reason I am putting on makeup is so when Senpei is on the stage, and sees me, I won't look a mess. I mentally scream in my head. I was going to see Senpei in person! But it starts at 8, and it's 7:45!
I grab the handle and rush out, only to collide with Laurence. He is on top of me staring into my eyes, blushing slightly. "Well m'lady, I didn't expect to be on top of u this early in the relationship." He says smirking. I blush and push him away.
He gets up and offers me his hand. I accept, and he pulls me into a hug, our noses almost touching. He stares into my eyes, and I stare into his. "BEEP BEEP!" My phone goes off. I untangle myself from Laurence, and glance at my phone.
Five minutes till the performance! I scream, and start having a mental breakdown. I was going to miss seeing Senpei! Laurence looks at me with concern. His flirty attitude leaving him temporarily. "Wat's wrong Aph?" He says.
"I'm... I'm ... I'm gonna... miss... SENPEI!" I cried. Laurence looked at me weirdly, as if thinking I might be faking. But when he saw the tears in my eyes, his own eyes widened and he ushered me into the elevator.
I was able to compose myself with the help of the soothing music. We reached the lobby, and I practically dragged Laurence into a cab. I can't be late! Not to see Senpei!

Video Game Lovers
RomanceLaurence and Aphmau have been gaming partners for along time. But will they become more then just partners?!