Chapter 2-Helping Out

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I get up and look at my watch and realize it's 10 a.m. I must get out and see what I can do maybe Arrow can tell me somethings to do.I see him standing at the top of the hill with a lean tall red headed woman."Hey Arrow I wanted to know if there was anything i can do to help around here"I asked Arrow."We are good with help for now but you can go down to the old house and rebuild it as your own however that is where the old sorceress lived her name was Esmeralda but anyway speaking of names this is Miranda"Arrow explained."Nice to meet you have good luck building the new house"Miranda said outstretching her hand.I grabbed her hand she had a very firm grasp."Okay thanks i'll get going and start on it"I mentioned waving them goodbye.I ventured forth to find my new possible house i'm so glad i got my own house so easily.I look at the top of the hill it was run down,moss covered,with broken windows,holes in the roof, stone house.However it was a big fixer upper but it's mine now.I approach the door and enter it was like the other house I was in but there were glass bottles and beakers everywhere it also had a fireplace and a bedroom.For some reason there was already power and water usage I did not question it.I went into my room and started to unpack my stuff i had my clothes,some toiletries,my purple dagger, and my recent treasure it was a necklace.However it was like a puzzle with 4 pieces but it had a pretty blue crystal corner filled and 3 missing pieces.

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