Chapter 8-Shopping

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I put all my things away and I start going to the village to speak with my companions going on the trip with me.I see the girl that was talking to Arrow the other day and I realize she was one of the people going with me,that's Miranda."Hey has Arrow gave you the news yet about the adventure"I asked her."Yep I was informed about it and i wanted to know if you have a weapon and shield"Miranda asked me."I have my dagger but no I don't have a shield."I told her."Okay follow me and we will get you the best one"Miranda told me.She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to this big building."Here we are just go on in and pick one out all expenses paid"Miranda told me.I went inside and there were many weapons long swords,daggers, and bows and arrows.On the other side of the store was a whole wall of shields one stuck out in particular it was large and had a big blue dragon with green fire coming out of it's mouth."Well young lady looks like you want this one"A big man said to me."Yep that's the one I want I love the design,If you don't mind what is your name"I told the man."Sure my name is Lucas I am the local blacksmith and the owner of this establishment, here is your shield enjoy"Lucas told me."Thanks my name is Aspen i'm new around here thanks for the hospitality"I told Lucas."No problem good luck have a safe journey"Lucas yelled as I walked out.He knew about my quest he must have known from Miranda.I on the shield it fits perfect around my shoulder the strap was soft and cool to the touch.Now I must go home and get rest because my trip will be exausting.After showing Miranda my shield I went back to my house to go into my room to sleep after a long day.I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

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