New Responsibilities (Seth's POV)

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"Shit," I repeated, shaking my head in disbelief. Had it all happened, had I just become the new rebel leader, or had I imagined it all? I hoped it was the latter, and this was all some side effect of the sedative they injected in me.

"What just happened?" Travis, asked, his face showing uncertainty mingled with a fair dose of hope.

"Seth has just become your new leader, little bro," Sierra said. "Now, all will be okay," she said, hugging him.

"I'm not your brother; you know that, right?" Travis said, uncertainly in between the hugs.

"Oh, you are, bro," Sierra smiled. "Never mind," she said when she saw Travis's face expression. A frown barely held itself back in his eyes; he just realized that Sierra might not be normal after all.

A few seconds later, he shrugged his shoulders. "Cool, I'm your brother," he said, grinning as if he'd just considered the perks of being related to her.

"Wow, your face looks great. How did you heal that fast?" Travis said, noticing Sierra's face for the first time.

This question, unfortunately, drew the attention of others, their eyes now looking into her face, roaming over her unblemished, and unbruised skin.

"Well, I'm a fast healer," she winked. "It's my genes from the father side," she said, craftily weaving the details of the story in a false web.

Whew, thankfully her instincts were right on the spot. She was my little kitten, so vulnerable on the inside, yet so ferocious on the outside, especially towards those whom she felt she needed to protect.

"By the way, I have a question for you. How did you do that?" she whispered to me.

"What?" I asked.

"How did you kill him like that? I've never seen anything like it," she said.

And, by saying that she had hit the crux of the matter. Yes, I was both a Drakon and the master Uruloki which made me adamant even in my human form. But, it was not my human strength which had killed that guy in one swift move, it was my dragon strength, and yet, at the time, I had not shifted. This was a question which occupied my thoughts. This had never happened to me before; I was wondering whether whatever they injected into my blood had woken up my dragon, and triggered its powers. And, no doubt, its instincts as well. Damn, it had unleashed a fierce desire, a yearning so strong to make Sierra mine, that I was on edge. She had no clue on the extent of iron control I had willed upon myself when licking and healing her cuts and bruises. A Drakon could only be tested so much, and I wasn't sure I could endure more of this torture.

I had to find out about the sedative if what I suspected was true, and it had activated my dragon in my human form, then the possibilities for what it could do was endless. It could slow down, heck maybe, cure the Drakon madness. The madness was prompted because the Drakon could no longer feel his dragon, it was as if the dragon was put into a never ending sleep from which it could not awake. I had no clue as to how long my prompted dragon state would last, but every day did count. Heck, every damn hour was precious if only it could furnish the Drakons with the means to fight the virus.

"Seth?" Sierra said, I felt her touch my hand, the contact was the last blow, my control just snapped. Every sane thought left my body as I pushed her towards the wall, the gasping audience be damned. I simply didn't care, as I devoured her lips. My hands wrapped around her body, and I scooped her up in my arms to maximize our bodily contact while I continued kissing her as if my life depended on it. It certainly felt that way at the time.

"Seth," she objected, halfheartedly. "We are not alone," she whispered in my ear. I gazed at her beautiful face, her face had flushed partly by passion, but partly by embarrassment. Damn, I was about to take her like a palace whore, and in front of everyone. I took a deep breath, and let her legs slip from my body. While I had managed to put some substantial distance in between us, I was still reluctant to sever our connection completely, and I found my fingers unconsciously intertwining with hers as if they had a mind and voice of their own.

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