The Way Out (Elvan's POV)

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It seemed they had left me to die in here, and I had been unable to find a means to get out, as of yet. I had banged on the cell door, scratching it until my fingers had started bleeding, I had shouted, but it was to no avail. No one was coming for me. Not even Dante! He should have snapped out of his fit of madness by now, but he had not even shown up, not even once to ask how I'd been doing. The idiot had simply given up on me. In the end, he was a merciless Drakon, just like all the others. I was stupid enough to be moved by his stupid kiss, and empty compliments. On top of everything, I was not going to be able to help Sierra. What would happen to her, if I didn't make it in time? Did Seth even care about Sierra? But, why had he given me Noah's name if he hadn't, not that it had helped?

Oh, wait, was the joke on me? Had Dante already sent a Drakon to save them, and was I the only one who was being punished? For what exactly? Being a human who'd saved their asses? I was angry at myself for being a fool, I had trusted them, I had put my life in danger to save theirs, I had thought Seth, and I were more than a leader and a follower, that we'd become friends. Being friends with a Drakon, what had I been thinking? Well, I hadn't exactly known, of course, now had I?

Did the Drakons hate all the humans? It was hard to believe that, after all, that failed to explain Seth's affection for Sierra. Perhaps, she was the exception. What about Travis and Mina? Had he even saved their lives, or had that been a twisted joke? Nothing made sense in here, but none of it changed my fate. I was too weak to lift a finger, I had not put any food in my mouth in two days, and I was so damn thirsty. I had long ago stopped counting the minutes and hours of my stay. But, worse still, I've come to the edge of insanity myself, lying here day and night in this pitch dark cell room. And, all these random weird thoughts and meaningless questions kept swirling in my head as my only loyal friends. I was so utterly alone.

"Hey," I heard someone from the other side of the door address me.

"Hey, who are you? Someone get me out of here," I said, starting to bang on the door again.

"Ssh, just be quiet, will you please? Control yourself. I brought you some food, there is enough space underneath the door, and I will slide the sandwich, though it is impossible to send you the bottle of water like that. I can pass the water to you in a spoon until your thirst is quenched. It will be torturous but effective."

"Who are you?" I asked, feeling extremely excited about the water and food.

"I'm Pietro. I'm a human like you."

"Can you get me out of here Pietro?"

"No, I'm afraid that exceeds my talents, you see I'm not a guest here in the Palace. No, my situation is far from it. But, I can bring you food as long as you are here."

"I see. Do you know what they plan to do with me?"

"No, I'm sorry. I don't have their ears, and neither does Kristin."

"Who is Kristin?" I asked.

"Uhm, well, she and I are mates, you see. She's a Drakon," he replied.

"You mean?" I said.

"Yes, that means we are together," he clarified for my sake. "In fact, it's a rather weird story.

"I bet," I murmured, sarcastically.

"You see, she had kidnapped me in her dragon form when I was trying to get away from her kind in the middle of battle. And when I thought she was going to kill me, well.... she didn't, or perhaps a better way of expressing it would be, she simply couldn't. We rather fell in love, but Drakons are not sympathetic of humans, so I'm her sweet secret, in a way, to be kept hidden at all times."

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