New Recruit

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I had missed flying with Seth, soaring in the sky, carefree, and peaceful. I closed my eyes, and opened my arms, just living it, feeling it, breathing it. What had happened over there was worrisome; Abby had tagged the neutralizers behind me like a breathing shadow. I would never be safe again by myself, alone. They were not giving up; today was a confirmation of that. Abby had not let it go even for one day; it was evident that she was impatient to see me dead.

How had we come to this point, I still could not believe these had once been my best friends, the ones I'd spent every minute and hour sharing life, creating unforgettable moments together, all of which now had no meaning. The many photos I still had of us on my phone were now a snapshot of a life that had never been real, memories that had been nothing but fake. It had not all been a waste; I reminded myself, my life was richer, fuller with the people who were now in my life. I would not give it up; it was all part of a package, one that was still wonderful despite all the disappointments, the challenges, and the hurdles I faced along the way.

Where was Seth taking us, I had no clue? But, he landed in front of a many-storied building in a deserted looking place. The place swarmed with people, all Drakons I assumed, going in and out, like busy ants, doing maintenance from painting and minor construction to decoration and repairs. It looked as if they were readying the place to be the new home of Drakons.

"This used to belong to Cayman's grandparents. A deserted building to serve as our headquarters. Now, it is ours." Dante confirmed my thoughts.

Life below us came to an absolute still when they heard the flap of the dragon's large wings, saw its giant body swoop down, and its talons grip the earth with its body coming to a full stop, a few inches before them. The dragon roared in greeting, and everybody was in awe with what they thought was nothing short of a miracle. The dragon shifted back to Seth, the transition as smooth and quick as it had been in Rawonia. The Drakons cheered for their leader and the promise of what has not yet come to play. But, Seth had given them hope, and hope was everything in a world where nothing made sense anymore.

"Cayman, gather everyone in fifteen minutes," Seth ordered. "We have a lot to talk about." He then lifted me in his arms, despite my extremely vocal objections, and went inside, taking steps up the floor, two at a time, until he kicked open a door.

"What was that?" he asked. "What just happened over there?" he repeated.

"You saw what happened; it was Abby trying to kill me," I supplied.

"Was this what you wanted to talk about, before?" he said, in a barely audible voice.

I nodded, his calmness scared me; it was like the stillness before the storm.

"And, you thought it could wait till we met, you thought you could make that walk all by yourself when a bunch of assassins was after you?" he said, his voice, almost emotionless. His fists were clenched, a nerve leaped in his cheek as an indication that his anger was raised to an explosive level. His inner emotions were raging, boiling to defy the calm exterior he so casually displayed. "I could have lost you," he said. "If Dante hadn't been with you if I hadn't shifted..." He could not go on, his fists shaking.

"I didn't want to worry you hastily. I'm sorry. Baran warned me about this last night; I didn't think they would make an attempt so soon," I apologized, barely holding onto the words 'after they'd already tried in the morning.'

"Baran," he stressed the name. "I see."

"He told me Abby had my heart, but he did not know its location." I was watching Seth try to compose himself. He closed his eyes and opened them again.

"Do you trust that asshole now?" he said, the question, rapped out like the lash of a whip and I flinched inwardly. I hid behind silence, what could I have said? I didn't know. But, Baran's warnings had become a reality, and he had done his utmost to keep me alive.

Waking Other Lives (Completed, Drakon Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now