What Happens Now?

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"Find her," I heard Seth say. "Never mind," he added when his eyes spotted me. "Where were you?" he asked me.

"Well, it was you who left me there," I reminded him.

"And, then when I went back, you were no longer there," he said as if that was all my fault.

"You are acting crazy," I said, raising my voice. It was time to playact. "And, I don't want to sleep with you tonight."

"You are not going to him," he said. His tone was sharp and dangerous. "I will not allow it. We just had a fight, it's nothing, it happens," he said, shrugging.

"Maybe for you, but not for me. I want some space. I'll sleep somewhere else. I need to think. I mean it," I declared.

"Sierra, please," he said, now panicking. He threaded his fingers through his hair, desperation driving him restless. His hands were slightly shaking as he took a step towards me. I took a step back. He looked lost, forlorn, like a little child as he fixed his eyes on mine, his gaze speaking volumes in a silent plea. I almost gave in. But, in the end, I didn't.

"Are you willing to give me the information?" I asked, hoping he'd changed his mind, and I no longer had to carry out the horrid deed.

"No," he said.

So, he was still unwavering. "Then, I want to sleep somewhere else," I said.

"You'll sleep here with the crowd where you can be protected. I'll go anywhere else," he said, in a low tone.

"You are right. I may need protection. I need a gun," I said, straight-faced. If I could pull this through, I wouldn't be depriving Elvan of her weapon.

"Yes, indeed," he said, finally giving up. "Fileas," he shouted. "Fetch me a gun."

And, it'd been that easy to acquire one. He left the room, dragging his mattress, his body posture screaming of frustration and desperation. Well, he had brought this upon himself, he was a victim of his Drakon stubbornness and his failure to trust me.

I waited for Elvan to come to me, she had something wrapped up in a piece of cloth, I couldn't understand what it was, but it looked to be heavy.

"Take this, and I'll bring you the gun," she whispered.

"I don't need the gun, I already got one," I said.

"Oh? Good, for you," she said.

"Thanks, Elvan, for everything. And, most importantly, for believing me."

"Sure, good luck," she said, as she walked towards her mattress on the floor.

The light in the room was finally turned off, and I waited to hear the snores in the chamber. I was still very much disturbed sleeping with other people, and now that Seth's arms were no longer wrapped around me, I probably would not have winked an eye anyway, regardless of the task ahead of me. I waited for a few hours to pass, each minute dragging on me like an anchor dragging in the heavy mud. When I couldn't take it any longer, I got up slowly, trying not to make any sound. It was dark inside, but I had mapped the path to the exit in my mind. I would crawl slowly in a straight line, feeling by hand, and by my knees, the edges of the mattresses on both sides, and use those as a guide. This would make it less likely for me to fall, and wake up others. After all, Ozy's attack had made everyone more sensitive to the sounds in the stillness of the night.

It took me about ten more minutes to drag myself out of the room; the hallway outside was thankfully lit, and I easily found my way to Rocco's prison by stealing the precious gaslight in the hall. The light shone on his features when I entered his prison, and he got up, stretched his limbs, as if in expectation of his escape. Though I was holding the wrapped tool, I still had no idea what it was. I pushed it towards him, "Now, tell me what I need to know," I said.

Waking Other Lives (Completed, Drakon Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now