The Escape

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"What do you mean?" I stammered. He put me softly on the floor, and then approached one of the guards.

"See you, Sierra," he said, as if he was departing and then bumped on the guard. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said to the guard, holding his arm as if to steady himself. I barely caught the syringe in his hand, which was soon injected into the guard's arm. His eyes enlarged in shock, and he struggled to free himself from Baran's grip, but Baran held him immobile. The other guard was not even able to understand what was happening as Baran prevented the sedated guard from falling. It was the sound of the falling gun on the floor which eventually alerted him. By then, it was too late. Mina had already appeared from nowhere to engage him. They had it well under control, I didn't even bother helping, but just watched it as if it was a movie scene unfolding before me.

"Mina, no gun shots," Baran ordered, as he circled the guard from behind. The guard attacked Mina thinking she'd be the easy one to conquer. But, Mina dodged his advances easily, and before the guard could steady himself, Baran hit him hard on the head with the gun. He toppled on the floor but was still conscious. He got on one knee, trying to get up, waving the gun in his hand threateningly. He just couldn't coordinate his actions to pull the trigger, the growing lump on his head an indication he was not himself. It was the second step, the injection, which eventually rendered him still on the floor.

"C'mon girl, we're getting the hell out of this shit hole," Mina said, blowing me a kiss in the air.

"How did you get the syringes and the guns?" I asked, in shock as I followed them out.

"We've had some help," Baran said.


"Me," said Elvan who emerged out of the corner. "There are no guards around. The road to the opening of the hatch is clear. Let's go," she said, throwing me a gun, as she kept looking around cautiously.

I barely caught it and held it firm in my hand. Then it all rushed to me, a myriad of emotions from sadness, to that of disappointment, fear, uncertainty, and heartbreak. I was getting out of here with mixed feelings, I was so moved to see all these people whom I knew so little, take such risks, face treason, and a death sentence just like mine should they be captured, only to get me out. But, the pain of being deserted by Seth, the one person to whom I'd declared my love, the only one who held my heart, was crushing, and though I pushed those thoughts and emotions aside, for the time being, I knew they would not remain suppressed for long. We ran to the opening of the hatch without encountering anyone and were soon out of the tunnel. The fresh air which brushed my face outside was an indication of a new beginning. I took in deep breaths as if to remind myself that I was out and I was very much alive. People were rarely granted a second chance at life, and now that I had averted death, I would push everything else aside and focus on my mission.

"What about your Andra?" I asked Baran. "Aren't they coming?"

"No," he said, and I could detect the sadness in his tone. "They would slow us down, and we need to erase our tracks. A small and loyal group is what we need, and that's exactly what we have," he explained. He'd abandoned his men, sacrificed his leadership status, just to help me escape, and I felt a deep gratitude wash over me, the feeling almost strong enough to bury the wrongs of the past.

"Where are we going?" I asked Baran.

"Far, far away from here," he said. "We could seek refuge in rebel unit 3, or we can simply join Haley. I know her; she'd be too happy to have us."

"I need to get close to the Palace."

"Are you nuts Sierra? Do you want us to hand ourselves to the Drakons on a golden tray? And no, in case you are wondering, we are so not going to be betraying our cause by collaborating with the Drakons, no matter how much I hate that asshole's guts, and this unit altogether," he said. "No offense," he added by turning to Elvan. The asshole he meant was obviously Seth. And, now I knew Seth had never been part of Baran's unit, the hate between the two made perfect sense, though I had difficulty understanding their rivalry over me. After all, in all actuality, I'd been loved and betrayed by both, what did that say about the superficiality of their feelings towards me?

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