Chapter Two - Questioning

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Garroth POV:

I wonder what she looked like. Why didn't she tell us her name, but would tell Aphmau? Meh, I'm glad Aphmau told me her name...(F/N). She's probably really pretty underneath that cloak. WAIT NO!!! GARROTH STOP! YOU LOVE APHMAU....Why did she have to come along...?

Your POV

I didn't get a wink of sleep, whoever was upstairs kept meowing. I didn't like it when I heard them meow for the first time, so annoying. A door creaks open and I see the brunette walk it.

"Good morning sunshine."


"Come on (F/N)! Don't be like that!"

"H-How do you know my name!?"


I growl underneath my breath.

"The annoying cat upstairs...get rid of it it.."

"You mean Michi?"

As soon as he says Michi a girl with purple hair, tan skin and green eyes comes down.

"Laurence! Nya~! Come here to see me? Nya~!"

"No Michi.."

"But Laurence~ Nya~!"


"Laurence! She's mean!"

He was snickering.

"Laurence, why do you laugh at your girlfriend when she is sad? Nya~!"

Wait! Was she going out with Laurence? It makes my droop my head when she says it. Laurence comes into my cell and pins me to the wall.


"W-What are you doing?"

"As if you don't like it."

"You've got a death wish.."

He pulls the hood part of my cloak down and pins my arms up.


"Your eyes...They're...amazing....I could just look into them all day..."

"Please don't.."

He looks above my head.

"You have wolf ears!?"


I want to feel on top of my head but my arms are pinned back.

"Your so beautiful.."

My cheeks started to turn red when I hear Garroth, Dante and Aaron come in.

Aaron POV:

What was Laurence doing!? What the!? Why do I care!? I'm not...falling for her am I? Wait! Her hoods down! I gotta get a look at her face.

Garroth POV:

Grrr...Laurence I swear your dead...I wish I could be in his position her hood down!? I HAVE to see her face.

Dante POV:

WHAT DOES LAURENCE THINK HE'S DOING!?! Oh my Irene...her hoods down. I have to look at her face.

Laurence POV:

Her eyes...I can't get enough of them. They were pink but before they were orange! And her (F/C) wolf ears...she's so cute. Crud the others are coming..

"Laurence put my hood back on! I beg of you!"

"There's no harm in them seeing.."

"I will do anything please!"

Her Eyes (Laurence X Garroth X Aaron X Dante X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now