Chapter Fifteen - My One And Only..

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I wake up to see Aaron looking down at me with a worried expression. As soon as he sees my eyes open he pulls me into a long lasting hug.

"(F/n)...I thought you were going to die.." He sobs slightly.

" can't get rid of me that easily.." I chuckle weakly.

"I-I.." He sighs nervously. "I wanted to say I love you (F/n)! You're beautiful in every way! Your (h/c) hair and your gorgeous (e/c) eyes.." He finishes blushing.

"Aaron...." I pause. His eyes were filled with worry. "I love you too."

He pulls me into a quick but passionate kiss. I'm left blushing when he pulls away.

"Why didn't you call our for help when you got hurt?" He asks me.

"I-I couldn't speak.." I tell him. I move my hands to my stomach. The wound was now bandaged. "It was..." I say on the verge of tears.

He pulls me into his chest and strokes my hair.

"If you're not ready to talk about it..I won't rush you to." He says soothingly.

I nod my head appreciatively.

Aphmau comes in and sigh with relief.

"You're awake!" She cheers. "You had me so scared! Don't you ever go and act like you're about to die!" She scolds me while smiling. She notices me blushing and looks over at Aaron. "You guy kissed didn't you?" She asks getting excited. I nod my head sheepishly and she squeals in joy.


1 year later

"I can't believe I'm getting married to Aaron today...the day when he thought he lost me..." I say with a little laugh.

"(F/n) you look beautiful!" Cadenza chips as Aphmau walks in.

"She is isn't she?" Aphmau adds in.

"Aw, thanks guys."

Aphmau was my Maid Of Honour.

"The other guys still haven't told you huh?" Aphmau says.

"Tell me what?" I question.

"They used to love you."

"No...they couldn't have." I protest.

"It's time." Cadenza announces while finishing my hair.

I take a deep breath in and walk outside to the path leading to the alter. A smile makes its way to my face as I start walking down the aisle. Jay was in a black pants, a white shirt and a suit vest. Aaron was wearing a nice black suit.

I get to the alter and stand opposite to Aaron.

"You look amazing." He compliments.

"And you look dashing." I compliment back.

"Do you, Aaron, take (F/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to cherish, through the bad days and good. To love in sickness and health, till death do you part?" The priest asks.

"I do." He says, smiling the biggest smile I'd ever seen.

The priest asks me the same thing. "I do." I say, probably smiling a bigger smile.

"I now pronounce and wife. You may kiss the bride." He announces.

We both kiss each other passionately. This is where my life really begins...

EEK!! Congratulations guys! You married Aaron! Here are the votes:
Aaron - 12
Dante - 3
Travis - 0. Poor Travis ;(
Garroth - 9
And Laurence - 5.
This is the end of Her Eyes...for now! A sequel is coming! Now, before I do anything, I want to thank all of you lovely, beautiful and amazing people that have read my book, given me advice, cheered me up when I was crying. I'm actually crying right now, tears of joy! I feel so lucky to have you all as readers! Until next time rosebuds...I'll see you in the sequel!

Her Eyes (Laurence X Garroth X Aaron X Dante X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now