Australian Sorry Day

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Hello. I know this isn't another chapter but I needed to write this for the Stolen Generation. The Stolen Generation happened over 40 years ago where the White settlers took away aboriginal children from their families and gave them to new families. The GOVERNMENT did this. So I wanted to say this:

To all those who suffered through the Stolen Generation,

Sorry. It's been said a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand more. Tears have been shed upon this soil and we'll never be able to dry those tears even if we tried our hardest. We will never be able to make amends for what our ancestors have done to you and your families. Watching your children be taken away in a car, not knowing if you'll be one of the lucky families who see their children again or those whose children will never know their real families. I am deeply sorry and I know that no good deed will make things right for taking your children. Again, I'm sorry.

-End of Speech??-

Thank you to those who put in the time to read this short chapter about the Stolen Generation. I'll see you in a book~

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