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***6 dates with Harry later***

Megan's POV:

"I wuv yew harreehhhh!!" I said. "I wuv yew to meggy!" He replied. Me and Harry are now a couple! It's been the happiest 6 months of my life! "Hey harry I just noticed I don't have a official twitter account only a fan one haha!" I said whilst we was cuddled up on the couch. "Really? Well one second I will go get the laptop and we will make one because all the fans know we're a couple now and they seem fine with it." Harry replied with a smile. He kissed me on the cheek and went and got the laptop. We filled in all my details. "They ya go babe!" Harry said. "Thank you baby." I replied. "Well I got to go rehearse for the concert now, do you wanna come with?" Harry asked. "No it's fine you go babe, I don't feel very well so I will stay chill here." I replied. "Aww baby are you sure you don't wanna come or I will stay here and look after you?" Harry asked. "No baby work comes first! Go have fun." "Okay baby, but you come before anyone! Or anything! When I get back your gonna be treated like a princess!" He said smiling. He always knows how to make me smile! I love being with harry! He went to kiss me... "Hey can't do that whilst I'm ill we don't want you getting ill now do we mister!" I said. "Oh sorry." He said and kissed me on the head. I decided to have a look on twitter. Wow I already had 100,305 followers!!! I decided put a tweet up. 'Wow thank you everyone for following me!' There was already like 300 replies. 'Shut up bitch! Get away from my harry or I will kill you!' Wow violent! I understand they love harry... But death threats! There was lots more like this! 'Come on guys! I know how you feel Im a directioner too! And before I met harry it broke my heart to see them get girlfriends! I do understand believe me! But death threats! Seriously! Is that necessary?' I tweeted. I started to get some nice tweets. But there was still alot of hate! I saw a girl tweet... 'I don't know why everyone is hating on Megan? She makes harry happy so that should make us happy! Yes we may not ship them but no need for all this hate! I have alot of respect for her!' That really made me smile!

Harry's POV:

I got back from rehearsing. "Hey babe I'm back how you feeling?" I asked. She just smiled I knew right then there was something wrong! "Babe what's wrong?" I asked. She just showed me the computer... I read what was on there... I was disgusted with my fans! "Babe don't listen to them!" I said. "It's hard..." She replied. "You know what I'm gonna put a tweet up and sort this!" I said. 'Hey guys! Stop hating on Megan! She makes me happy! And I'm disappointed in every single one of you who have said something mean to her! It upsets me!' Megan smiled. "Thank you harry I love you so much!" She said. She is the bravest girl I know. "I love you too." I replied. We had a look at her mentions. Everyone was apologising. Megan seemed like her happy self again!

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