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Interview: DarknessAndLight

Author of "The Adventures of a Pumpkin and a Running Back Boy" 

Author of "My Wish Upon A Star" 

What can we call you (name)?


Where are you from?

I’m from the province of Québec, in Canada.

What is your favorite hobby?

Aside from writing and reading? Sculpting!

Coffee or tea?

Most definitely tea.

What book(s) are you reading now?

Right now I’m reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence.

Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?

Well I hate picking favourites, but everyone I fanned is in that list!

When and why did you start writing?

I started writing the minute I learned how to because I’ve always had stories to share. My family’s always been big at telling stories. When I was younger my father would invent a new bed time story every night when putting me to sleep, all crazier than the other, so I guess that fuelled my imagination at a very young age.

Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write?

Not really, I like many genres, but I guess I always need some kind of romance in my stories. I need a love story!

What or who inspires you in your work?

Basically anything and everything around me. Song, music, movies, people in the bus, people at school, people in the street, conversations I have with my friends, crazy situations or stories people tell me. I’m very easily inspired.

Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it?

Well, My Wish Upon a Star is the story of Danika Wisher, who’s well, excuse the language, but bad shit crazy. She’s probably one of my craziest characters, as in, I’m literally laugh out loud while writing that story. So basically, it’s about her life, her complicated relationships with her none-boyfriend-boyfriend Victor, her possibly-stalker friend Landon, her crazy polygamist parents and all the stuff in between that make her messed up, but oh so amusing. It’s every day life, but with a crazy life like hers, there’s rarely a down time. It’s a really fun and funny story, but in the end, I hope it kind of makes you think, and you’re left with a smile on your lips.

Is there a message for your readers in your work?

The other day, a great writer, Neil Bissoondath came to speak in one of my classes to talk about writing and he said something very interesting, he said that he tells everyone in his creative writing classes to take all of their ideas and religious beliefs and preconceptions and political agendas, put that in a bag and keep it out of his class. Why? Because when you’re writing a story, you shouldn’t be writing about an idea, or a theme, because it’s not YOUR story, it’s your character’s story and it’s THEIR ideas and their story and their beliefs, You shouldn’t go and write with an agenda, because that defeats the point of fiction and it hurts your characters. So, I have no message, Danika does, and I guess you just have to read her story to know what it is because I don’t. She does.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write, write, write. If you want to become a better writer, just write more. And don’t be scared of sharing your work with others because they might not like it. The worse you can hear is exactly that, that they don’t like it and you know what? That’s a good thing, because then you learn what not to write, what to write and how to make your stories better.

Is there anything else you would like add?

Just maybe, thanks to all my fans for still supporting me even though I’ve been sucky with my uploading lately! haha I that I love you guys! :D

 A/N: I have reviewed "My Wish Upon A Star" by DarknessAndLight.

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