Chapter One

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"Hey Bryn" my friend Brett smiled at me from across the lunch table. I snapped back clearly gawking at my crush from across the room. Looking to see that Brett had in fact noticed, I blushed a deep scarlet color.

"Yeah" I asked trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Why don't you just go and talk to him" she asked?

"Because guys like him, don't talk to girls like me" I sighed.

"Are you serious" she asked? I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly Miss. Popular around here" I explained.

"It doesn't matter, your still hot" she replied bluntly.

"Brett" I shrieked.

"What" she asked?

"You're so embarrassing" I replied

"But you still love me" she smiled.

"That's what you think" I smirked as I stuck out my tongue.

"What are we talking about" Emily asked sitting down at our table.

"Bryn's crush" Brett replied. My face blushed again. Seriously I blush so easily it's a problem.

"Oh, Kyle" she asked?

"Yeah" I replied shyly. Just the mere mention of his name was enough to make my whole body break into a jolt of butterflies and goosebumps. How this guy had this much effect on me and yet didn't even know I existed, was so confusing. He had only talked to me once. We were partners one day in Physics. But that was enough to leave me crushing on Kyle Lowe for the past 5 months. Or maybe it was his perfect 6 pack, bright blue eyes, and sexily messed up hair. But you never know.

"Hello, earth to Bryne" I heard Emily say. I looked at her snapping out of my thoughts of Kyle for the second time in the past five minutes. I seriously felt obsessed.

"I need help" I admitted resting my head on the lunch table.

"Why don't we all go to the game on Friday, he's playing right" Brett asked? Well that sparked my interest.

"Yeah" I replied with a smile on my face as I jolted my head up. I always loved watching him play football. Not in a creepy way.

"Then it's settled, lets all meet at my house at 7:00" Brett explained.

"Alright" Emily and I said in unison. After lunch me and Emily walked slowly to her locker before heading to gym. God I hate physical education. But only for the fact that my teacher Mrs. Walker hates me. It's not my fault she told my mom, my brother needed help, and my mom flipped out. I mean she kind of had it coming. But what I don't get is why she also hates Emily, Brett, and .... Audrey. It still sucked that she had moved to Florida. We were so close and she always knew how to make me smile. We were pretty much equally crazy. I remember the time we were running after school. She ended up tripping me, and then falling herself in the process. We sat there laughing at each other for the next three minutes. Before she says;

"I'm peeing"

I almost died of laughter right there but tried holding it in knowing how awkward that would be to walk into dance practice with Audrey walking around with pee soaked shorts. So I controlled it. However I missed laughing that hard. I hadn't done it in so long....

"Whatcha thinking about" Emily asked taking her gym bag out of her locker.

"Audrey" I admitted.

"Oh" Emily replied. Audrey moving had hit us all pretty hard. I had managed to never cry at school. But the day she told me I was blubbering like a baby. Even in front of Kyle Lowe.

"If you think about it too much you're going to cry" Emily said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see how serious her face was. Emily had known Audrey longer than Brett and I had. So the move hit her really hard, although she tried to hold it in.

"How are you doing with it" I asked?

"I haven't cried in two weeks so that's good" she half heartedly smiled.

"Me either, I think I'm all cried out" I replied.

"I can't believe she's been gone a month" Emily explained.

"Me either, I'm not used to not seeing her in the-" I was cut off as I ran right into someone's chest. Not just anyone but Kyle freaking Lowe!

"U-uhm s-sorry" i stuttered as my face began to turn an ugly shade of red.

"It's fine, hey your name is Bryne right" he asked?

"Mhmm" I mumbled as I nodded my head eagerly trying to hide the blush that managed to take over my whole face. I was failing miserably at acting like a normal human being.

"We have physics together" he replied.

"Yup" I smiled not knowing what else to say.

"Cool, well i'll see you around" he said before smiling and walking away. I looked at Emily and almost screamed with excitement.

"Pinch me, I'm dreaming" I smiled thinking back to the event that took place two seconds ago.

"Okay" Emily smiled before she pinched me.

"Ow" I yelped as I rubbed my arm. She just laughed and I started to to giggle a little bit too.

"Sorry" she smiled.

"It doesn't look like it" I replied trying to sound serious but majorly failing.

"Come on let's just go to class" she smirked as we walked into the locker rooms.

"Ugh, I am so not looking forward to this class" I groaned.

"Duh, no one is" she laughed.

"Except for the teachers pets" I replied.

"Play nice" she demanded. But I just shook my head.

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