Chapter Seven

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"So let me get this straight" My dad started, "You want to go back to school" He asked? Was my dad just oblivious to the subject of our conversation?

"Yes" I said.

"I don't know" My mom started and i could just hear all the what if's going on in her brain.

"This is something that i really want, and honestly i don't think your going to be able to stop me, so either you let me do it without a problem or i'll just figure it out for myself" I snapped. I didn't understand what the big deal was. It was school. I mean i was bettering my education. Not that i was really worried about that..

"I promise i will look after her" Kyle chimed in. Both my parent's heads snapped to look at him. They seemed to think over his words which gave me hope.

"Okay, we're going to try it and-" My mom started.

"Oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you" I squealed as i hugged my mom so tight.

"Now just wait a minute" She started. "That doesn't mean it's a for sure thing, we're just gonna see how it goes" She added.

"Yeah, Yeah" I dismissed as i got up and headed towards the bag my mom packed for me that was currently sitting on the floor in the bathroom. When I looked over at the door I notice Kyle was standing in the doorway looking at me.

"Sorry i left you in there with them alone" I laughed as i looked through my choices.

"You do realize they didn't technically say yes right" Kyle asked?

"They're going to say yes" I smirked before i went back to trying to find what to wear.

"And how do you know that?" He asked.

"Why would they so say no?" I retorted.

"Because it could get you sick" He started, "Well more sick"

"Do you agree with them?" I asked as i stopped rummaging through the bag to look at him.

"No that's not what i'm doing" He said instantly, "I'm just worried" He admitted as he scratched the back of his neck. I half smiled as i walked over and stood in front of him him.

"You don't need to worry about me so much" I said lightly as i touched his shoulder.

"I can't help it" He lightly laughed.

"You can't prevent the inevitable" I admitted with a shrug.

"Sometimes i wish i could" He admitted as he looked at the ground. My felt my heart tearing on the inside as i looked at Kyle. He cared so much about me, but i couldn't do anything to make him feel better. So i did what i was always did and avoided it.

"You want to help me pick out an outfit" I asked?

"Uhm am i qualified for that" He asked. I couldn't help but laugh as i began holding up options.


"Now call me if you need anything" My mom said as she repeated the same things over and over like i was five years old and starting kindergarten again.

"Thanks mom" I said as i cut her off and shut the door before heading into school. Kyle was waiting by the front door and i smiled instantly when i saw him.

"Hey" He greeted.

"Hey yourself" I replied before we began walking through the halls. We were just making conversation about random things like homework, and gossip when we were stopped in our tracks by a girl with makeup caked on her face, wearing a pair of shorts that could definitely pass for bikini bottoms.

"Kyle can i talk to you for a second" She asked in her version of a nice voice. Which was thickly laced with annoyance. No doubt directed towards me.

"Uhm" He hesitated looking at me for permission. I smiled and nodded for him to go talk to her. So he went as i stood there not knowing what to do.

"Why are you friends with her?" I couldn't help but overhear.

"Because she's a good friend and i care about her" Kyle explained. I smiled at the use of his words before turning my body to face the lockers lined against the wall.

"Oh, i get it" She replied.

"Oh really, what do you get" He asked?

"You're just being friends with her because you think that if you're nice and show her some affection, you'll be able to get in her pants" She replied.

"Whatever" He scoffed as he walked away. Was she telling the truth ? She couldn't be right. Right ? I mean he looked so tired when he came to see me, and he genuinely felt bad. He was worried about me and comforted me.

He walked up to me and smiled and i smiled back. As we walked down the hallway i couldn't keep my mind from going back to what she said. What was Kyle's intentions ?

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