Chapter Eleven

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I walked into school and was immediately greeted by Emily and Brett.

"Hey guys" i beamed at them.

"Hey" They smiled back.

"So have you talked to Kyle since last night" They asked? Of course as soon as i got back i texted them.

"Nope, i'm actually going to look for him so we can walk around this morning" I smiled. They walked with me as i began searching the halls. Where the heck was he?

"Looking for Kyle" Someone asked. I turned around and came face to face with the same girl that pulled Kyle aside the first day we walked together. What was her name? Camille?

"Yeah, have you seen him" I asked?

"Yeah, actually i have" She said sounding really irritated with me. What did i ever do to her?

"Well where is he ?" I asked.

"He's avoiding you" She smiled.

"Why" I asked?

"Because" She laughed, "You didn't think he actually cared about you did you?" She asked. When i didn't answer she frowned.

"You did, didn't you" She snorted, "Why would someone like Kyle Lowe care about some freak who goes around fainting everywhere. You probably only did it for attention. Either way, Kyle seriously wants nothing to do with you. The only reason he hangs out with you, is because he feels bad for you. You're just a little freak, with two friends that follow you around like lost puppies. I mean i wouldn't want to be friends with someone who was so utterly obsessed with me either. Yeah, Kyle knows you have a crush on him. It's sad you think you even have a chance. But you don't" She smirked. My eyes started to water at what she was saying. She had no idea what she was talking about. Attention, she thinks i did it for attention? I wanted so bad to just scream at her that the reason i fainted was because i have cancer. But Emily and Brett didn't know that yet. What she said wasn't even making sense. Why would Kyle say i was annoying if he's the one that wants to hang out with me. I mean he even called me beautiful yesterday. That doesn't really sound like someone who is annoyed with me.

"Awwe are you gonna cry" She said pretending like she cared. Everyone was staring at me and no one was sticking up for me.

"You don't know anything about me and Kyle" I replied.

"Really" She asked stepping closer to me.

"Really" I replied.

"Cause he couldn't wait to tell me all about Adan" She whispered. With that i couldn't help but let a tear trickle down my face. He told her? He told this girl my secret? How could he? I thought he was my friend.

"Not so brave anymore are you?" She laughed as she turned around and walked away. I was about to turn and run away but when i turned around everyone was staring at me and a pair of blue eyes just so happened to stand out from the rest.

"Bryn" He started and with that i turned and ran out of the building. I trusted him and he went and told that Camille girl about personal things i thought i could trust him with. I never wanted to see Kyle Lowe again. I pulled out my phone and was about to call my mom.

"Bryn" I heard people say. I turned to see Emily and Brett running towards me. It was raining outside like crazy and i wondered what they were doing out here. They should have just gone to class.

"You guys need to go back to class" I explained.

"No, we're your friends, we need to be here for you" Emily smiled. I embraced them in a hug and couldn't help but cry.

"He's just a stupid boy" Brett said.

"And she's just a stupid bitch" Emily added. I could help but laugh at that. Emily was always able to make me smile when i was crying.

"Thanks guys" I smiled at them.

"Bryn please talk to me" I heard Kyle say from behind them.

"No, i don't think i want to" I snapped.

"What she said wasn't true" He replied.

"Then how did she find out about Adam?" I said getting in his face.

"I don't know, i never told her anything" He admitted, "You know i don't like her, so why would i tell her?" He asked.

"You're the only other person that knows, who could have told her" I asked?

"Maybe someone was at the Taco Bell and told her" He suggested.

"Plus, why would i call you beautiful, and chase after you if i thought you were annoying" He smiled.

"Because you feel bad for me" I replied not returning his smile. I was going to give into his charm right away. I was beyond pissed with this situation. I just wanted to go home.

"Why didn't you stick up for me?" I asked suddenly.

"I don't know" He admitted.

"Well let me know when you figure it out" I explained as i walked back towards the school.

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