Chapter Ten

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"Adam ?" I asked diverting my eyes from his.

"Yeah" He replied.

"Ugh" I groaned.

"Obviously i know he's your ex, and it was bad breakup" He started, "But there is definitely way more to the story than that" He added.

"Yeah there is" I admitted.

"Well can you tell me" He asked? I thought about it for a moment as i looked at him. Should i tell him? Could i trust him? What if he told someone? All these questions began running through my head. I looked at my food as i moved my potatoes around with my fork.

"Promise you won't tell anyone" I said looking him dead in the eye.

"Promise" He replied.

"Okay" I sighed as i took a deep breath, "It all started when we got out of school last summer. I was working at that mini golf course and ice cream shop and Adam was too. At first we were only friends and more and more he would flirt with me. He finally asked me out on a date and i accepted. After dating for about two months Adam's personality started to change. His parent's got divorced right around the same time, and since i was going back to school in a month he got super clingy. Something in him changed when they got divorced, something almost snapped. He didn't like it when i talked, looked at, or was even seen near a guy. He was super jealous and one day.." I started as i took a deep breath. I hadn't talked about this in awhile and the memories came flooding back to my mind like a nightmare you want to wake up from.

"When i was talking to my cousin in the mall. He freaked out, and called me a slut. I was so confused as to why he would make such a big scene in front of everyone in the mall without even hearing my side of the story. He didn't even ask me who the guy was for pete sake. When i went over to his house, to yell at him and break up with him. He hit me, right on the face. I was so startled i didn't really know how to react. So i broke up with him, and told him we were done. But he refused to me breaking up with him. So for four days he would hit me constantly. I couldn't take it any longer, and i didn't know what to do at this point. I thought if i told someone, if i said the wrong thing it could turn out really badly" I admitted shuttering at the thought, "Eventually I realized that I couldn't just deal with it, so I left and threatened him with calling the police" I finished before looking at Kyle whose fist were clenched and eyes were darker. He seemed angry and like he was about to punch someone in the face.

"Kyle" I whispered as i grabbed his clenched hand. He seemed to jolt back into reality at my touch and his features softened. It made me smile to know how much he cared about me. Enough that he would get worked up about something that happened months ago. Even though it wasn't that long ago, i was pretty much over it. I didn't become super depressed and start cutting myself. I just talked to Audrey about it and she helped me out. I realized that he didn't deserve to hurt me anymore. Especially when he most likely was never gonna come near me again. So i learned to not worry about it. But that didn't mean the memories didn't hurt. I can still feel the way he hit me and how much it hurt.

"Are you okay" He asked?

"I'm fine, but are you okay" I asked seeing how mad he looked just a second ago.

"Well yeah, it just makes me mad how guys think they can- just do that" He said.

"Well he'll never come near me again" I reassured him.

"That didn't stop him at the game" He snapped more at Adam than at me.

"Kyle it's fine, i'm fine" I explained leaving no room for the discussion to continue.

"I love ice cream" I smiled as i licked the sweet treat on its waffle cone Kyle had just bought me.

"I'm glad" He smiled. We started walking to his car since i had to go home soon. By the time he pulled in the driveway of the hospital my ice cream was gone. He walked me to the door and then headed back to his car.

"Kyle wait" I said getting up all the courage i could. He stopped and turned around and i kissed his cheek before going back to the door.

"Thanks, for everything" I called from behind before i shut the door. My heart was beating at a billion beats per minute. I can't believe i kissed Kyle on the cheek. I smiled to myself for getting enough courage to do that. As i made my way to my room i couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Well someone had a good night" I heard my dad call.

"Pretty good" I smiled at him before realizing that him and mom were sitting in the lobby.

"I can explain" I started.

"Damn right you will" My mom snapped, "But for now just go up and go to sleep" She explained with an exhausted sigh.

"Really ?" I asked. She nodded and I listened to her as i headed upstairs ready to collapse into bed and fall asleep. All i knew was that, I couldn't wait to see Kyle at school tomorrow.

Or at least i thought i couldn't...

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