Chapter Twenty One

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"You what" I asked as my voice came out as more of a whisper.

"I-ilove you" He said as his eyes bore into my own. I looked at him completely forgetting about the hysteric fit i had just thrown. My mind went blank as i just looked at him. "I love that your stubborn as hell, and will fight me on everything. I love that you care about so much more than you yourself. I love that you aren't afraid to cry in front of me. I love that you're insanely beautiful and don't even realize it. I just love you- I just love everything about you"

"I'm-" I struggled to say as i looked back at the glass remains of the vases that were scattered across the floor. When i looked back at him he was still looking at me, but not as if he expected me to say it back, but just looking at my reaction.

I had diminished the space between us in 2 seconds before I connected our lips together. I didn't know what to say, or do, so I just put everything I felt into kissing him. My arm had found its way to the back of his neck as I pulled lightly at his hair, at the same time his hands squeezed my waist in surprise. As our lips moved in sink a warm tingly feeling took over my whole body. It number any negative thought in my head only focusing on him and I. I remembered when we'd bumped into each other in the hallway and how id panicked over the thought of him remembering my name. Now this boy, this crazy boy had confessed his love to me. I moved my hands to rest on his shoulder before lightly pushing us apart. Our stomachs were still touching as his hands were still holding on to my hips. My hands remained on his shoulders as we stood there catching our breaths.

"When did you realize you loved me?" I asked.

"When we were standing on the field, you looked at me and smiled" he started, "And you asked me if I ever got nervous before a game"

"And you said you did, but as soon as you touched the field you weren't anymore" I finished for him, "Because the field felt like home" I added remembering it like I was watching it on a screen in front of me.

"That's how you make me feel" he explained, "You feel like home"

"I love you Kyle" I said a tear rolled down my cheek, "And that scares the hell out of me"

He kissed my forehead and then rested his cheek against my head.

"I'm scared too" he admitted. But we were both scared for two different reasons.


"I want you to think about this" my mom said trying to rationalize with me.

"No mom" I said quickly, "I'm not doing it" I said sternly. By now the mess I had made was non existence and the glass shards resting in the trash can down the hall. Sure I couldn't count the amount of dirty looks I got on both hands, but I'm sure they were used to out burst by hysteric patients.

"Kyle tell her" I said looking at him.

"Honestly" he started before I stopped where his sentence was going.

"You agree with her don't you?" I said in shock. Not because I wasn't expecting it, because I was. But I was just hoping maybe he'd see it from my point of view.

"I'm not changing my mind" I said quickly. My mom held up her hands in surrender before announcing that she was going to get something to eat. I turned to Kyle when she left and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't even try" I said pushing past him and sinking into the hospital bed.

"I wasn't" he said crawling next to me.

"You don't understand, that was the one thing I didn't want to go through when I found out" I admitted.

"But it will help" he explained.

"Yeah it will help keep the tumor smaller, but it would change me more than the tumor would" I replied.

"You're still gonna be the same person" he explained.

"Chemotherapy changes you Kyle" I sighed sitting up to face him, "Sure I may still have the same personality, and like the same things i also have, but I wouldn't physically be the same person anymore"

"That's what you're worried about ?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're only worried about how it's going to change how you look?" he asked.

"Well yeah" I shrugged.

"Who cares what you look like?" He asked.

"You" I said looking at the sheets that were curled between my fingers.

"You're always going to be beautiful to me" he replied confidently.

"You're just saying that" I said shaking my head.

"Bryn" he said pushing a piece of hair behind my ear, "I promise, nothing could change how I feel about you"


Somewhere between our conversation, the talking had ceased and we just laid there. I played with his fingers on his left hand while he lightly ran his fingers trough my hair with the other. Each stroke causing my eyes to become heavier and heavier. I didn't want to fall asleep but I knew I was on the brink of passing out at any second. When I closed my eyes for a moment I quickly flashed my eyes open. It seemed darker which was odd because I had only closed my eyes for a second. I could hear the light snores coming from Kyle and realized that he must have fallen asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before padding my way over to the bathroom.

I suddenly felt dizzy but pushed it aside thinking that it was only because I hadn't eaten much that day.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked with a groggy voice as he sat up from the bed. I was currently leaning against the wall as I waited for the dizzy spell to pass over. I pushed myself from the wall and nearly fell over in the process. Kyle caught me with his arms and pulled me up to look at him.

"You okay?" he asked with concern filling up his eyes that bore into mine.

"Yeah I'm just dizzy" I said shaking my head to try and get rid of it. He set me down in the bed before heading towards the door.

"I said I'm fine" I explained causing him to stop and face me. He seemed to be thinking over what I had said. He was clearly worried and wanted a nurse to check on me, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Or at least that's what I was telling myself. Even though I wasn't sure i believed it. I was feeling more dizzy and slightly more nauseous by the second.

"I think I'm just gonna go get a drink" I started to say but I instantly dropped to the ground as my mind blacked out.

Kyle's point of View;

It was like a horror movie unfolding before my eyes. One minute she was fine. But the next thing I know she's on the ground as her body begins to compulse rapidly, as her body shook. I knew she was having a seizure but it wasn't registering in my brain what was really happening. It didn't seem real. Her mom was by her side in a second as she held her in place, as she started to call for a nurse. I got down and helped her realizing I needed to do something other than just sit there and stare.

I'm not gonna lie seeing Bryn like this was causing my throat to tighten up a little bit. But I had to be strong for Bryn and for her mom. I squeezed Bryn's hand as I heard the shuffling of feet making their way towards Bryn's room.

"Everything's going to be okay" I whispered to her as I smoothed some of her hair back. But even I couldn't believe that.

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