Chapter Eight

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After school we were walking towards the exit to head home when i saw my mom talking to Kyle's mom.

"Why are our parent's talking?" I asked Kyle. He looked at me and shrugged before we looked back out at our parents. My mom threw her head back as she laughed. I couldn't help but smile at how happy she looked.

"Come on" I said as i opened the doors.

"Wait" He said as he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"What?" I asked with a small smile as i looked at him.

"Let them have there girl talk, i want to go somewhere" He explained.

"Where?" I asked hesitantly with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a surprise" He said. I stood there thinking over whether it was a good idea or not.

"Please" He begged as he stuck out his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes and smirked as i followed him towards the back parking lot. As we began walking through the remaining cars the chilly air caused me to shiver.

"You cold ?" He asked looking back at me.

"No i'm fine" I lied. He stopped and took off his jacket before handing it to me.

"I said i'm fine" I said looking at the jacket and then back at him.

"And i say you're a liar" He smirked. I rolled my eyes before taking the jacket and following him to his car. When we got in i was relieved that it was warm.

As we pulled out of the parking lot i got a glimpse at my mom still talking away. I just hoped she wouldn't kill me for not telling her that i was getting a ride with Kyle instead of her. As we headed farther and farther away from our town the butterflies in my stomach got worse and worse.

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going" I asked as i looked out the window.

"Nope" He smirked as he looked at me. I must have had an uneasy look on my face because his smirk fell.

"It's no where bad, don't worry" He explained. I nodded before i looked back out the window. We pulled into a little town and just seeing the little stores and shops my eyes lit up. I loved little towns, the old fashioned ones where everyone knows each other and everything is so vintage. We parked in a small parking lot that looked out towards a lake before coming to a stop and climbing out. He walked over to the fence that was surrounding the parking lot and took a seat on it.

"We came here to look at the lake" I asked curiously?

"Shhh" He shushed. I giggled before walking over and taking a seat next to him. There was a pretty big space between us and the chilly whether was starting to take effect again. I rubbed my hands together as i looked out at the lake. He scooted closer and put his arm around me.

"Better" He asked?

"Yeah" I said as my stomach dropped inside my chest. As the sun hit the water it left a ripple of colors floating on top. The trees surrounding the lake looked beautiful. But at first glance you would just think it was just like every other lake.

For some reason i was having an itching to draw. It was something i had always done as a child but about a couple months ago i just stopped. It was just sort of a hobby that i would do for fun. I just kind of lost interest in it until now.

"Is the car unlocked" I asked?

"Yeah why ?" He asked.

"I'll be right back" I explained as i got off the fence and headed towards the car. As i looked in my bag i smiled when i saw an old sketch pad i had left in it. I pulled out a pencil before heading back towards the fence.

"You draw" He asked?

"Kind of" I said as i looked out at the lake. My hand pressed the pencil to the paper as i looked at the lake. As i made the curve for the lake i began on the trees. With every branch i smudged the trees began to appear fuller and more realistic. I smirked to myself at how natural it felt and couldn't quite understand why i had stopped in the first place. Before long i was finished. As i looked at the paper in my hands I realized that i had gotten caught up with drawing and looked at Kyle.

"I'm sorry, i totally got caught up" I said looking at him as i started to get off the fence. He was probably so bored.

"No" Kyle smiled as he grabbed my arm, climbing off the fence himself, "It was nice" He admitted.

"Nice?" I asked. He rolled his eyes before he smiled again.

"Yes, it was nice" He repeated, "You're really good" He added.

"Thanks" I smiled as i looked at my drawing resting in my hands trying to hide my blush.

"Do you have other drawings" He asked? I nodded as i flipped the first page in the sketchbook. I handed it to him and he looked at me before turning the pages in it. When he got to the picture right before the lake one, my face turned beat red and my heart started pounding in my chest.

"Wow" Kyle said as he looked at the picture in front of him. The picture i drew of him.

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