Chapter Nine

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"Is that me" He asked?

"Uhmm" I stuttered as my face got redder and redder by the moment. I was so embarrassed that he saw that.

"I have to go" I said as i grabbed the sketchbook out of his hands. I ran passed the car and towards the town, not wanting to have to look at Kyle again. He probably thought i was weird. He probably thought i was obsessed.

"Bryn wait" He called after me. But i kept on walking, too embarrassed to turn around.

"Bryn" I heard him call again getting closer and closer. I picked up my pace but before i started running my foot hit a uplifted cement slab on the sidewalk and my arms flew in front of me as i face planted to the ground, my knee scraping the ground in the process as i hissed in pain. I bit my tongue to keep myself from crying but i could already feel the tears brimming.

"Great" I thought to myself as i started to get up.

"Are you okay" Kyle asked as he helped me up. I just stared at him in confusion. He raised an eyebrow as i stood there saying nothing.

"Why are you embarrassed?" He asked. Was he on crack? How about the fact he just saw the picture i drew of him, while i had a crush on him and he barely knew me. I mean i would be pretty weirded out if a guy i barely knew drew a picture of me.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"No i'm kidding" He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes before turning around. Now it was like he was making fun of me.

"Bryn" He said grabbing my arm and turning me around.

"I'm embarrassed because you weren't supposed to see that picture. My drawings are normally private and i don't normally let people see them. I just draw things that mean something to me, or make me feel a certain way at a given time, like the lake, and it's just personal" I explained with a huff.

"Well what were you feeling when you drew that" He asked? I gulped not wanting to answer the question. If i told him the truth it would ruin our friendship and we would only be left with awkward glances in the hall. I couldn't handle that. So i lied.

"Nothing" I said as i looked at the ground.

"I mean i am pretty attractive" He smirked.

"Wow, conceited much?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as a smirk grew on my face. He nodded towards the bench next to us and we both took a seat. I pulled my legs to me chest as the sketchbook sat in my lap.

"It's pretty good" He said as he took the sketchbook back looking over the picture again.

"Not as good as the real thing" I said without thinking as i looked at how he was staring at the picture. I didn't even think before i spoke, it just kind of came out.

"Thanks" He laughed and then realized i was looking at him. We kind of just stared at each other not knowing what to say. Suddenly he reached up and pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're really beautiful, you know that" He asked? A huge smile grew on my face and i looked at the picture in front of me. Kyle Lowe thinks i'm beautiful!

"Thanks" I whispered as i rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer.

"I'm gonna miss this" I whispered as my eyes began to water. I closed my eyes as i fought back tears.

"Me too" He whispered back as he kissed my forehead. The gesture was odd but I welcomed it without question. A single tear rolled down my cheek and landed on his shirt. i reached up and wiped my face and gulped trying to get rid of the lump forming in my throat. I didn't want to cry.

"Come on lets go get some food" He explained.

"But if we're out to long i'll probably get grounded" I said and i realized my voice came out shaky and low. He looked at me and frowned, He didn't even realize that i was crying.

"Don't cry" He said.

"I'm a girl, we cry sometimes" I sighed.

"Well then we definitely need some food to cheer you up" He smiled.

"Like i said, i'll get grounded" I repeated.

"Don't be such a Debbie downer" He smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him and we headed back towards his car. This boy was driving me crazy. Did he not understand the type of effect he had over me? He probably didn't even realize that i liked him. I mean i didn't really let it show too easy. But when he was close to me, my heart would beat so fast. How could he not hear that? He just made me smile so freaking much, and i didn't even understand it. He was just, different. He wasn't the typical high school player, that i thought he was. He was just a normal guy, that had a really likable personality.


"Wow what a great place to eat" I smirked.

"Taco Bell is delicious" He smiled.

"Yeah" I admitted. I laughed at the fact that he brought me to a Taco Bell. It actually did cheer me up. It wasn't a stupid sit down restaurant. It was just a small Taco Bell, where we could just hang out for awhile.

After we ordered and got our food we sat down and started eating.

"Thanks for this" I smiled at him.

"No problem" He replied.

"So, why are you friends with me" I asked wanting to talk about that girl from the hallway earlier today at school.

"Don't listen to Camille" He replied as he spat out her name. It might just be me, but i don't think he likes her very much.

"Well i still want to know" I pressed on.

"Because your not like everybody at our school. You're unique, and funny and I can just be myself around you. I feel like, i don't know, like out friendship isn't forced it's just natural" He admitted, "But I also feel like I need to protect you at the same time"

"Why would you need to protect me" I asked?

"I don't know, it's just, you remember that guy from the game" He asked?

"Yes" I replied quickly.

"Well, you just seemed so scared, and i didn't like that" He admitted.

"Oh" I replied.

"What did he do anyways" He asked? i gulped. Oh no.

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