Chapter Twenty Seven

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We opened the door to her room and instantly this sense of time running out washed over me. I stared at Bryn as she layed still in the bed. Her chest was rising and falling as if she was breathing, but i knew that it was only due to help of the oxygen mask over her mouth. The beeping noise of the heart monitor felt like the noise a bomb makes right before it was about to blow. I knew once it stopped I would feel like my whole world had blown up and i wasn't ready for that to happen.

"How come she's been ignoring us" Emily asked as she stared at Bryn laying in the bed.

"She wanted you to remember her how she used to be, not like this" I explained as i nodded to the girl lying in the bed. She was beautiful, no doubt about it, but she also looked sick and that broke my heart to see.

"She didn't even tell me for herself" Brett whispered.

"She didn't even want to tell me" Emily tried to comfort Brett.

"Don't" I snapped. They both looked at me with tear stained eyes. They looked as broken and hurt as i did.

"Don't fight right now, don't get mad because of the way Bryn handled things, can we just enjoy the last moments we have with her peacefully" I practically begged.

"I wasn't trying to fight" Brett said, "I just can't handle this" She said as she fell to the ground. Instantly tears began pouring out of my eyes as well as Emily's, as we stood there looking at Brett. I didn't understand why we didn't pull her in for a hug and tell her everything was going to be okay. I think it was honestly, because none of us had the energy to comfort someone else. We all needed someone to comfort us. We needed someone to make this situation better, but it wasn't how it was in the books or even the movies. We didn't have this miracle happy ending that everyone wanted to happen. Instead we got someone lying in a hospital dying, who didn't deserve to die in the slightest. We heard rustling and our heads snapped to the bed as Brett started to stand up.

"Kyle" I heard her softly whisper. I was by her bed side in an instant stroking her hair as i smiled at the sound of her voice.

"Where am i" she asked quietly.

"You're in the hospital" I explained.

"It's happening isn't it" She asked?

"Yeah, babe, it's happening" I whispered as i let out a long breath.

"Hey Bryn" Brett started as she walked closer to Bryn.

"Brett" Bryn's voice cracked. Brett bite her lip as it quivered, trying to keep herself together.

"Yeah babe it's me" She smiled.

"Sorry i didn't tell you" Bryn frowned.

"Don't worry about it, i still love you to death" Brett replied as she put her hand over her mouth. I could tell she was about to lose it, heck we all were.

"How are you feeling" Emily asked softly.

"I feel strangely, fine" Bryn explained, "It's kind of peaceful, i don't really feel anything" she admitted.

"Can you feel this" I asked as i squeezed her hand.

"Kind of" She admitted. I frowned as i stroked her hand with my thumb.

"I would slap you for not calling me back, but you probably wouldn't feel it" Brett laughed, slightly trying to break this tension that had fallen over everyone.

"Sucks to be you" Bryn half smiled with a little laugh that sounded more like a grunt.

"When we're you gonna tell me you lost your virginity" Emily asked before she broke out in a fit of giggles as tears leaked from her eyes.

"I wasn't, that's something special just between me and Kyle" Bryn smiled as she gave my hand a little squeeze.

"That bad huh" Brett asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hurtful" I replied as i put a hand over my heart in mock hurt.

"Don't worry babe it was amazing" Bryn smiled.

"Do you think you can open your eyes for me babe" I asked softly. She squeezed her eyes before they fluttered and slowly began to open. She looked from Emily, to Brett, and then to me.

"Hey there beautiful" I smiled at her.

"Hey there handsome" She smiled weakly back.

"Can i close my eyes now" She asked?

"Yeah babe you can close your eyes" I smiled as i pushed some of her hair back.

"Bryn" Emily started as she grabbed Bryn's other hand.

"Yeah" Bryn whispered in reply. Emily sat down in a chair and scooted closer to the bed before taking a deep breath.

"Thank you for everything, for being my best friend" She said as swallowed the lump in her throat, "Every memory i have with you i will cherish for the rest of my life, there is no other Bryn in this world and i'm so thankful that i was given the chance to be best friends with the one and only" She said as rested her head on the bed. I looked at Bryn and saw a tear leak from her closed eye. She lifted her hand shakily and rested it on Emily's head.

"Read my note" She replied. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What note?

"Note?" I asked.

"It's in my computer" She explained, "It's my goodbye"

"Please don't say goodbye" Brett said quietly, "I don't want to say goodbye" She cried.

"I'll see you all some day" She explained calmly.

"I will never love anyone as much as i love you Bryn Marie Miller" I cried as i rested my head in her lap.

"I love you more Kyle Michael Lowe" She responded before the heart rate monitor started to stutter.

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