Part 1- leaving

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Dear Diary,

This is so stupid. I don't even know why I'm writing in this book! It's not like it will magically make everything better, I know miracles can't happen. Urgh, I guess I should start with introducing myself. My name is Robin. Robin Buxton, and I have just started writing in this book as a diary. Well now that I have introduced myself I suppose I should tell you why I have started a diary.

Have you ever had the feeling that someone or something is watching you? Except whenever you turn around there is nothing there, and when you tell someone there answer is always, 'Oh it's probably your mind playing tricks on you' or 'You're probably overtired and need some sleep.' I know people are usually right in saying this as I have said it to my friends many times. Yeah, well maybe next time consider the possibilty that someone is watching you. Because  maybe, just maybe they are. So I guess I should start at the beginning of my story... or what I hope is the beginning and that I'm at the end of it.

"Robin? ROBIN!!" The elderly woman called down the hallway, The door to Robin's room opened and a sleepy face appeared in the hallway. "Hurry up! You'll be late again!" The elderly woman said to the sleepy teen.

"Okay." Robin sighed and closed her door. She trudged over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and her jumper with the word dork written on the front of it. Once she had changed from her pyjamas, she grabbed her backpack which she packed the previous night, ran a brush through her hair and walked out of the room. She stepped out of the way of the younger children running past and made her way to the dinning room.

"Finally. Honestly Robin I don't know why you can't get up on time for once." The elderly woman who kindly awoke her chided as she stood up. Robin shrugged her shoulders and pulled at a loose thread on her jumper.

"I don't know Ellie. Do I really have to go?" Robin asked, watching more of the kids sat at the dinning table munching on their cereal.

"Yes you do. Now get some breakfast and meet me outside in about ten minutes." Ellie said leaving the room. Robin sighed and sat down at the table, she poured herself a glass of orange juice. She sat back and listened to the other children chatter away about what they think they will learn about school. Robin drank her orange juice quickly and ran up the stairs to brush her teeth.

She was walking down the stairs when she bumped into Shane. "Hey stranger! Where have you been?" He exclaimed pulling her into a hug. She smiled and hugged him back.

"Around. Unfortunately I'm about to leave, care to join me?" She asked hopefully. Shane was the only person here that she trusted enough to talk to and was her only friend.

"Where to?" He looked at his phone checking the time.

"I think I'm looking at flats today. We're still going together aren't we Shane?" She asked suddenly anxious. They made a promise to each other that when it came to leaving they would get a flat together and have their own freedom.

"Yeah. Of course we pinky promised," Shane said laughing. "Lead the way Robin, Batman will follow this time." Robin smiled at his joke and they both headed outside where Ellie was waiting next to a blue Ford Fiesta.

"Shane? What are you doing?" Ellie asked confused.

"Me and Shane are going to leave together so we're looking at flats together." Robin told her before opening the car door. Shane smiled and patted Ellie's shoulder before sliding into the backseat. Robin sat in the passengers seat waiting for Ellie to walk round and start the car.


This was the third flat they had visited. Robin followed Ellie quietly and took in her surrounding's Shane was walking by Ellie's side and the guide was walking them through the flat talking about something which Robin had stopped paying attention to. Now I wish I did.

"So Robin what do you think?" Ellie asked, her lights were shining. Robin looked at Shane who was looking back at her.

"Do you mind if we look on our own again?" Robin asked quietly.

"Oh. Okay. I'll just be outside," Ellie said and followed the guide out of the flat. Robin watched them leave before looking around again. She walked down the hallway there were three doors at the end. the ones on either side of the hallway were bedrooms and the one in the middle was a store room with a washing machine and tumbledryer. Robin inspected the rooms before heading back to the front door. Opposite the front door was the living room which had a small TV sat in the corner and a balcony. Linked to the living room was the kitchen which was a good enough size which she could move about in and it had a breakfast bar. Less furniture to buy, she thouhgt to herself. Robin turned to Shane who had been following her through the flat.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know Shane. It looks okay, do you like it?" She asked back she had a feeling niggling at the back of her mind but she ignored it.

"I do. It's a nice flat. I can see us living here very nicely." Shane admitted smiling, Robin couldn't help it but smile back. "I think this is the flat for us." He said and Robin nodded as they walked back to the front door.

"Good? Bad?" Ellie asked excitedly.

"Good," the pair of them answered. If only I had paid more attention then maybe I wouldn't have gotten into this mess. "When can we move in?" Robin asked she had butterflies in her stomach thinking about the prospect of moving out of the care home and into a flat with Shane.

"Urm... Are you sure you want this one? Why don't we go looking at some more and make a decision then. You're not seventeen yet so you still have time." Ellie said concerned, Robin shook her head.

"This is the one." She said confidently. The guide came back into the flat.

"What do you think?"

"We'll go with this one." Robin and Shane told her. She smiled at them both probably please that she had satisfied customers.

"Well let's speak with the tennant and see what we can do." The woman said and walked out of the flat. She waited as they all came out and locked the door behind her. With a polite smile she led the way out.

If only I had listened to my brain when it was trying to tell me something. And listened to the woman as she talked to us about the flat. Maybe just maybe everything would have turned out different.


Hey guys!!! It's Lamb here. I hope you enjoyed this little bit of writing it's a new idea I thought of and had to quickly write it down then I thought I would share it with you. So please give feedback and let me know what you think. Lamb. (aka Jess).

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