Aaron's Story...

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Aaron: I was in military school one day and... My instructor had come and told me my...Umm... Father... Had passed away...
Aphmau: Aaron... I'm so so so sorry... I didn't know that had happened go on please... *Shes Kisses His Cheek*
Aaron: Ok... And after that I started to slack of at military camp. I got kicked out for starting fights, skipping class and training sessions, and auguring with anyone who talked to me......
Aphmau: ...Wow... Aaron... I'm so glad you feel ok telling me these things about you...
Aaron: Well I love you. I feel like telling you all this is helping me a lot with my old problems...
Aphmau: *Smiles*
Aaron: Ok moving on to the next part of the story *Clears Throat* Once I was kicked out I went back home and started attending Phoenix Drop High. As you already know heh, but I was so angered because of all this crap going on in my life...
Aphmau: Ya I remember the first ever time I saw you.*Laughs* You bumped into me and you looked so angry but cute.
Aaron:*Smiles* Aphmau, that's about it you know the rest heh, and I'm so so so so so! Sorry! For all the things I said about you to you and the things I did the way I acted to you...
Aphmau: Aaron... It's ok I now know you have changed and that it was because you where going through a hard time...
Aaron: Thank You*Kisses And Hugs Her* I Love You.
Aphmau: Me To.*Smiles Kissing Him*
Aaron: How's the baby doing...?
Aphmau: Good! I can't believe I'm finally 30 weeks I can't wait to see him/her!
Aaron: Me To Aph*Smiles* I know u haven't told you this before but ever seen you told me you where pregnant this spark of happiness and joy just has been going through me. I have always wanted to be a dad and when Lily was... I was so happy then like that it was all gone... Please don't ever leave me... I love you Aphmau.
Aphmau: Aaron I would never I'm carful at driving and I don't like it. So I don't think you have to worried about me. I'm here to stay.
Aaron: Good.
Aphmau: I wanted to ask you something.
Aaron: Ok what is it?
Aphmau: Will you pick the baby name?

(1 year later: New flash Mari..., HE FREAKING ALIVE!!!😹😹 Plz kill me!)
               TO BE CONTINUED

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