Aaron Will You Pick The Baby Name?

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Aaron: Aphmau are you sure your the one that has been carrying him/her for months?
Aphmau: Aaron after hearing your story I love you more and would be honored for you to pick it.
Aaron: Really... Are you sure?
Aphmau: 100% *Kisses Him*
Aaron: *Kisses Her* Thank you for this second chance...
Aphmau: *Smiles* No problem.
Aaron: *Smiles*

The Next Morning
Aphmau: *Wakes Aaron Up* SO DID YOU THINK OF THE NAME YET!?!?!
Aaron: GAH!!!Aphmau what the heck!?
...I know the name that I hope will best suit him but... I'm not telling you till he's born...
Aphmau: *Stares At Him With Menacing Eyes* Ok!
Aaron: Just ok? Like your ok with not knowing?
Aphmau: I guess... But I trust you Aaron I know you will pick an amazing name! Right!?!?
Aaron: YEAH YEAH! Of course...
Aphmau: Good! I'm going to go down to the breakfast hall because I'm hungry *Kisses Him*
Aaron:*Kisses Her* Ok I love you. Bye sweetheart be safe. *Smiles*
Aphmau: PFFT I will!
Aaron: Ok Ok Ok... Bye.
Aphmau: *She Walks Down To The Beach With Her Breakfast* Ahhhhh...
I love the beach... So pretty... *Stares Out Into The Rising Sun* I hope Aaron comes up with a name we both like...
*A Familiar Face Comes Up To Her* Ivy: Hi... Ma'am would like a drink...?
Aphmau: UMM no I'm pregnant... But thanks I guess...
Ivy: Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you whe- *She Looks At Her Face* Wait... Do I know you...?
Aphmau: I don't think so...
Ivy: Wait that face... P-Potato...?
Aphmau:*Turns Around* IVY!?!
Ivy: That's me...
Aphmau: Oh... My... Irene...
Ivy: Don't worry! I'm not the same as I was in high school!
Aphmau: Really...? So you changed your ways...?
Ivy: Yeah... Hey listen... I'm so so so sorry! For all the mean things I said and did to you... I never meant any of it I was just jealous of you and Garroth...
Aphmau: Heh... It's ok I forgive you...
Ivy: So... I'm guessing you ended up with Garroth...
Aphmau: Actually No.
Ivy: Wait What?!
Aphmau: Yeah you do know Aaron...?
Ivy: Yeah of course him and Lily where a thing well until her passing...
Aphmau: Yeah... Anyways we ended up together. We are actually on are honeymoon!
Ivy: REALLY!?!? Congrats!
Aphmau: Awwwww thanks... But if you don't mind me asking what at you doing here...? I mean it's a resort really far from home...
Ivy: Ah yes. Well I moved out here to work as a bar tender but... I hate this job and would love to move back and get a better job...
Aphmau: .....I may be able to help with that...
Ivy: Really?!? You would hook me up with a job after I treated you like that?!
Aphmau: Of course! I believe everyone deserves a second chance!*Smiles*
Ivy: Thank you so much!
Aphmau: But it would not me helping you... It would be my friend Zane... He can hook you up with one for sure!

                TO BE CONTINUED

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