After: Chapter Seventeen - A New Beginning

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After: Chapter Seventeen – A New Beginning

31 days After

For a week now blankets wrapped around Farah in the comfort of her home as she cried. Her parents were both away on business trips so neither of them could scold her for missing so much school and that was good because she didn't want to explain to them why. Her boyfriend cheated on her again.

Her room had been dark the entire week, with Farah not wanting to bring the light from the outside world inside it. Wrappers and ruminants' of food scattered her room. But even the food hadn't made her feel better. So Farah was stuck to lie on her bed in her dark room, alone, hoping the ground would open up and swallow her. It had now been a week since the party and the night sky outside her window only made her remember what had happened on this same night a week ago. Farah felt like every part of her body was sore and that her face was red and puffy from crying so much over the week. She felt sick from all the food she had digested. But mostly she just felt numb. How could Jacob do this to her? When Jacob had promised Farah he was going to give this relationship a real shot she had believed him. She believed he was sorry and that he really loved her and really wanted to be with her. How could she of been so stupid? As soon as they found out who the father of the baby was, he hadn't been jumping for joy, no, instead he had ran off scared straight into the arms of meddling Tarran. Farah still had the image of her in her mind Tarran on top of Jacob... she felt disgusted. The whole thing felt like da ja vu; Tarran and Jacob doing things behind her back and she didn't know why she had trusted Jacob, believing that this time things would be different.

Bang! Suddenly Farah sat up hearing the noise that came from her window. Bang! Then it happened again, only this time Farah saw that the noise was made by a pebble colliding with her window. Bang! Another pebble hit her window and then again and again. Was someone throwing pebbles at her window? Farah got out of bed with her blankets wrapped around her and walked over to the window. Farah half expected to see Jacob standing there throwing pebbles at her window finally coming to say sorry for what he had done. But all Jacob had tried to do in the past week was call her multiple times, text her and leave her voice mails. But he had never come to the house to face her. Farah gazed out the window and saw Liam standing on her lawn smiling up at her and Farah couldn't help giving him a small smile back. Farah hadn't seen anyone from school in the past week and no one had bothered to contact her to see if she was alright, except Liam. He had messaged her asking if she was alright, wanting to know if she needed anything or needed him to come over, but when she had refused he had just come anyway. Liam knew how this would have affected Farah because last time this happened Farah had cheated on Jacob with him which is something they both knew Farah would never do under normal circumstances. But to Farah it was nice to a familiar face, after being in solitude for so long.

"What are you doing here?"

"You haven't been at school in a week... so I came to see if you were alright." She smiled a bit at that but didn't let him see.

"Well now you can see I'm fine, you can go now." Farah said as she went to close her window again. She was nowhere ready to know what was happening at school or what everyone was saying about her or why Jacob hadn't come to see her. She didn't want to know.

"Can I come in?" Farah stopped and looked down at Liam.


"To make sure you're telling the truth."

Farah sighed. "You're not going to leave until I let you in, are you?" Liam shook his head with a teasing smirk on his face and Farah rolled her eyes.

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