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💔flashback continues💔

all were in shock. they couldn't believe their ears what they heard. but it was all true. it wasn't any nightmare, from which they wanted to wake up soon. it was reality which they couldn't decline.

after seeking permission one by one all went to visit him. though it was of no use. aliya was the 1st one to go inside. she sat there all the while untill dhruv's parents asked her to come out. as the visiting hours were over.

they could understand what was going on between aliya and dhruv. but they could never understand what was her feelings that time. trying to be strong she didn't shed a single drop of tears after knowing about dhruv's condition.

dhruv's parents took aliya with them in their house. as seeing her condition they were afraid to leave her alone. thinking, she might do something stupid. though she wouldn't do anything like that, her friends also thought it to be a good decision.

all were sad of what happened. it shook them hard. all were breaking down. but if one would break down others would help him or her.

Nandini was very much affected by it. she for some reasons was too much shocked. manik tried to assure her that all would be fine. but even he didn't know when the time would come.

everyone from that day tried to survive the fact. but it got harder day by day. hope for dhruv to come back to their lives were getting no response. their wait was getting more painful with time.

but they all tried to keep a smile on their faces showing the world that they were okay. dhruv was not in his house but in the hospital only. his parents decided it for him and no one argued for it.

his friends always come to meet him. and aliya despite her busy schedule, came to dhruv regularly.

they all still celebrated every occasion. but in the hospital. they shared everything with dhruv. starting from mukti choosing a musical career to CaVya marriage.

he heard it all. but couldn't respond. their heart broke seeing him like that. but they all were keeping calm waiting for him to respond one day.

💔flashback ends💔

after this incident they took some decisions. as now they don't play music in group. the 7 wonders don't perform anymore. because their one member is not there. they are all for one and one for all types. so they will start the band again when dhruv will be with them.

cavya was ready for the engagement. but refused to marry without dhruv's presence. and their parents, specially navya's parents reluctantly agreed to this.

nandini. our nandu got really scared from all this accident thing. she didn't show but was worried for aliya.

MaNan were still not officially together. because nandu was afraid of commitment. after what happened with dhruliya, she really doesn't want to be in a relationship. scared for them falling apart.

so MaNan was the same like before. manik could understand her turmoil. so he decided to respect her decisions and wait untill dhruv recovers.

mukti started her solo musical carrier. keeping in mind that once dhruv will come around, she would return to the band.

aliya was still living in dhruv's house with his parents. they really were treating her well. they were so supportive. didn't want her to suffer alone. in fact, it's them only who forced aliya to work. which she denied at first. because they wanted her to be busy with other things so she would suffer less. but it was impossible for her to not think of dhruv.

sometimes HOPE is the best policy.

because it makes you wait for something without any expectations. and hope wins for sure.

[I have many things to say. 1st of all it's 18k views. then also 1.1k votes.

next thing is- iwanttopostthiselsewhere
I meant I want to post this story elsewhere i.e. India Forums

I have an account there. but I don't know how to post a story there. or how to add pics.

So I would be so grateful if anyone could help me in this. 💗💗]

my other story:
☆☆ An Ineluctable Destiny ☆☆

pic credit: @manantwinflames

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