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hello guys. how have you been?
don't know if you were waiting for this story or not. but here is your update.


manik was doing hard work for his research project as it was for his nandu. he was working for it from quite a long time now. so he became quite impatient for any result.

at last when his experiment was over he found out that nandini can't be treated the way he was thinking. she need a eye transplantation. nothing else can help her or other patients alike her case.

manik got very disappointed. he so wanted to help nandini as he promised. but failed. his total research project went in vain. it was a failure. he started cursing himself for wasting so much time without any better result.

but then he composed himself. he couldn't sit there crying over his failure but do something for compensation.

he knew that for nandini eye transplantation was next to impossible as her tissue hardly matched. what to do now?

then an idea struck him. he thought let's check. it wouldn't cost him anything to check. but he needed someone's help and guidance for it. he decided he would take a chance for sure.

cabir and navya's marriage date was near. their parents were busy for the arrangements. though cavya wanted a simple marriage without any hustle bustle. but their parents can't let it happen. they wanted a grand marriage.

their friends also took their parents' side. all thought that now they would agree. but as they were very stubborn they refused to marry. which actually scared all. and then it was fixed that they will have a court marriage with only their parents and friends.

to their parents' insistence they agreed for a recieption afterwards. till then dhruv's health will also get better.

(I am sorry everyone. I will not describe their marriage or recieption. you guys know me till now. I avoid these things.)

dhruv got discharged from hospital. everybody visited him at his house. he was happy that aliya was with him 24/7. he was thankful to his mom n dad for making this happen. he could see aliya whenever he wanted and talk to her also.

time passed and dhruv got better. one fine day, well it was fine for dhruv until he got to know about aliya's departure.

she knew dhruv would feel bad. but she had to do this. she couldn't be there till long. she thought about her self respect. hence she took this step.

when dhruv questioned her about it she answered him the same. she also discussed about it with dhruv's parents. they happily agreed understanding her point of view. later dhruv also got convinced.

navya was getting married. so as she decided long before, she quit the job. now nandini was alone and her parents appointed a new girl to help her. but nandini wasn't comfortable with the new assistant.

first because the girl was not so friendly and only professional. secondly she never tried to be friend with her. even when nandini herself offered her friendship.

she always tried to order nandu. she started deciding nandu's schedules without her permission. as if she didn't need it. the new girl almost made nandini handicapped, which she was definitely not.

all these things made nandini took the drastic step. as she decided to leave the company. she resigned from her post.

when manik got to know about her resignation, he became very worried for her. and went to meet her. when he reached till her room doors, he could see her parents sitting there discussing the same thing he came there for.

he waited outside. not wanting to hear there conversation. but realised all discussions went in vain when he saw them leaving her room with sad faces.

then he entered inside and closed the door first.

manik: nandu..

nandini: you also came here for the same thing right? I knew it. listen I don't want to talk with anyone. leave me alone. please.

manik: not even me! why nandu?

nandini: because you will also push me for the thing I don't want to do. mamma papa also doing that.

manik: but they are thinking good for you. you need to tell me first what made you do this?

nandini: everything. everything manik. I realised I am not worth this life. I was a fool expecting my life to be normal like you guys. I made a mistake trying to do this job.

manik: yes. you did mistake. but not by doing tge job. but you did wrong leaving it.

(nandini couldn't hold on more and tears welled up in her eyes.)

nandini: no manik. why can't you understand? I don't want to do this job anymore. it's not for me.

manik: who says that? I know you are capable of handling it.

nandini: you are very wrong manik. It's not for me. I can't even handle myself. I need other's help. how will I handle a company?

manik: you can. I know. and then you will also be able to see soon. I believe. then your this problem will be solved too.

nandini: how manik? you know right mamma papa tried so much. all these years. now I don't think this can ever happen. I will never be able to see.

manik: you will. I have faith. and I know. You have to try eye transplantation.

nandini: we tried manik. no use. it doesn't match.

manik: let's try once more. we may get success.

nandini: I don't want to try anymore. you guys suffered a lot for me. you don't deserve this. I can't do this anymore, cause worry to others. I decided I will not try from now on. I have accepted my fate.

manik: please nandu. don't say like this. why are you accepting defeat? you don't have to. we all are with you.

nandini: I don't want to manik. please. now don't force me anymore and go. I request. I also need my space.

hearing this manik had to leave. she was right. they should give her some time to re think.

the 7 wonders got to know this. they felt bad too. but as manik instructed them, they didn't questioned nandu about this.

the members of 7 wonders were facing new experiences in life. aliya was trying to be independent. dhruv still trying to recover mentally. navya and cabir preparing for a new life together. manik deciding some things he shouldn't have decided alone. nandini ready to lose the battle of life.

mukti who was already a famous solo musician, was witnessing all these changes in their lives silently yet.

now mukti thought that music can heal everything and change one's mind for good. so that he or she can think positively. she messaged all about her plan.

"let's create the magic again. let's restart the band. last performance before CaVya's marriage. after 4 days. start practicing. "

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