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here I am back with one more extra chapter. don't know how you will take it. it's not totally on DhruLya. But it's all about them only. try connecting the thoughts with your life. purely my Bak Bak and my late night thoughts.

Dhruv and Alya decided to go on a year long honeymoon. they were planning on having a world tour.12 months, 12 places. each month one place. the places are as such we are used to hear in Hindi films. the famous romantic places. Paris, Switzerland, Italy........

They suffered a lot. All those years when they weren't together. all the time they couldn't spend with each other. every moment they missed, they were going to have a compensation for all that.

Love is such a pure word. can't be described in words. True...that the moments that we lost, we can never get back.

But love says otherwise. a slightly changed concept for the same issue.

love is eternal. each seconds passing doesn't count when love is there. because you have a life long to cherish the lost moments of love in your life.

I know. Some of you might think that what if Dhruv died in that accident? the accident which changed their life for good. what would have happened? I am not sure even? what if Dhruv could never come back. Alya would be alone. then? what about the life long living love thing.

I had these questions too. death is surely the end of life. not just one life but many lives. when one person dies his/her closest ones also die. if Dhruv had been dead, Alya would have been dead too. the love of her life dying. not easy to accept. this dying isn't the body's death. it is the death of the soul. when your soul dies, your body is useless.

and about cherishing the moments. they could only do it when they are together.....wrong. you don't need the physical presence. but the mere presence of him/her in your senses whenever you remember them decides it all. you can have them always with you, in your memories. memories that worth a life.

Dhrulya are lucky. they got a second chance in there life. let them enjoy their short honeymoon in peace. they need privacy too. After all they are a married couple now.

##ending this extra part. with $50.4K reads n 3.3K votes$. signing off##

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