Part 6. "H-He Has to be good...right?" *continued*

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Papyrus's P.O.V.

"Bro, there's... something a little off about him, whats going on?"
"I agree with you sans...something's wrong with him..."
Gaster's shoes clicked against the cold tile floor as he walked down the dark hallway, He then stopped right in front of the cell me and Sans were in, Gaster has a crazed look in his eyes that made me feel uneasy.

"Gaster? Are... Are you okay?" Sans said with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Oh, Iv'e never been better~" he said with a smirk, while pushing his glasses up further onto his face, "Never. been. better~!"

"A-are you sure?" I said looking up at the tall man, "You're acting kind of...'different'..."

"Whatever do you mean, p-2?" Gaster said with a smile, the white pupils in his eye sockets shrinking, as a bigger smile spread across his face.

A shiver ran up Sans' spine, as he was stared down by The crazed scientist, he was unnerved by his insane smile.

"What is wrong S-1? you look a little...'rattled'..." Gaster chuckled to himself, his small laughter reaching different high and low pitches, he sighed and stayed dead-silent for a few moments, creating an awkward silence in the cell.

I looked at my bother sans, even HE was scared, I...I was scared too... I was for once in my life, Scared of Dr. Gaster.

"Anyways~!" Gaster said in a VERY un-Gaster-like tone, "Shall we 'Begin?'" With a slight insane chuckle, he placed his hand on a sensor, that scanned his hand, and the force field to our cell opened up, he stepped inside of our cell, I watched as Dr. Gaster grabbed me and Sans' wrists with magic, and he pulled us out of our cell. "you two are coming with me..." Gaster said darkly as he led me and my brother down the dark hallway.
Gaster stopped dead in his tracks for a brief moment, her turned to look directly at us.
"Have you met the new ones yet?"
Sans and I nodded slowly, very concerned for the 'new ones's' safety.
"Good, then this shall make things SO much more interesting~." He chuckled as he walked to the other cell holding W.D.S-3 and W.D.D-4 captive, he placed his hand on the sensor, as the sensor scanned his hand. He then grabbed onto S-3 and D-4's souls and levitated them out of their cell.

I looked over at the two trembling Girls in slight shock, these two were animals, they were frail and terrified, they clawed at their chest from the pressure of their souls being held by Gaster's magic... I wanted to cry, but couldn't... My eyes darted around in fear for what was in store for us...

"So, Paps... you STILL think there's good in him?" Sans said with slight annoyance. Tears then filled my eye sockets, and kept looking forward as Dr. Gaster dragged us into the laboratory "There HAS to be some good in him... I just know it, even the darkest things have light in them, H-he has to be good...right?"

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