Pt. 18 Music?

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Gasters POV.

         -Journal Entry three-
          time- 12:00 AM
It has been two days since W.D-S3 and W.D-D4's punishment, i took them out and fed them, they are fine, they were still alive when i took them out...
I remember i was walking through the ruins one time, i discovered sheets of Human Music that fell down into the underground, i gave it some thought, and i introduced music to the subjects, afterwards, it seems that W.D-S3 is the most interested into music, i wonder how S.3 will develop with this interest... we will see... tomorrow i will check up on subject S3, because she seemed very fascinated in the sound of music... 

-W. D. Gaster

-end of journal entry- 

Before shutting the journal. I stood up and stretched. I looked at my watch and say that it was 12:38. I decided to maybe try and sleep.

It was around 3 am is when I woke up. I had the strangest nightmare... I cant exactly describe it, but from what i remember, I had made this magnificent creation that was a break through for monsterkind, and when i was doing a check up on the creation, i remember falling into the pits of my creation, i was being pulled into a pit of nothing-ness, but only a black void of Numbers and Symbols, Zeros and Ones...i held my head, and sat up in a daze, i didn't think i could fall back asleep after a dream like that, so i decided to get dressed for today.
I yawned and stood up, my bones creaked as i stretched, i stumbled over to my closet in the dark, slipping on my grey turtle-neck, turning on the light, i shut my eyes, wincing at the bright light that blinded me, after a few moments my eyes adjusted to the dark, i walked over to the side of my bed, blindly feeling around for my glasses, once my hand touched my glasses, i grabbed them, and put them onto my face, i ripped two pieces of tape off my tape dispenser, and taped my glasses to the sides of my head, i blinked, able to see clearly now, i sighed, yawning once more, as i headed downstairs into my lab. 

I had passed by the door, leading to my True Lab, the one that my subjects were kept in, i walked into my kitchen, and poured myself a cup of coffee, i yawned and walked downstairs into my Laboratory, i flipped on the light switch, as the lights flickered before fully turning on, i was then greeted by a strange sound, it sounded like a melody, one similar i heard long ago, the melody sounded almost like a humming, a female voice... i set my coffee down, grabbed my Lab coat, and walked down the hall, leading to the two female subject's cells, it was indeed coming from in the cell, it must have been the cat, since she recently discovered about the human music i told the subjects about... i listened closely to the melody, i could make out the words;

"There was a time, when i was alone, with no where to go and no place to call home~"
"My only Friend was the man in the moon, and even  sometimes he would go away too~"
"Then one night as i close my eyes, i saw a shadow, flying high~" 
"He came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for a while~" 
"He said; "Peter pan that's what they call me, i promise that you'll never be lonely" And ever since that daaaaay~"
"I am a lost boy from Neverland, Usually hanging out with Peter Pan~"
And when we're bored we play in the woods, Always on the run from Captain Hook, 'Run, run, lost boy' they say to me,"
"Away from all of reality."
Neverland is home to lost boys like me, And lost boys like me are free~"

I had heard the neko singing. It was rather beautiful. The first time I had heard her sing, but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting.
                "Sami," I spoke up, to catch the cat-girl's attention, even though  they are things, I still have to treat them sort of nicely when talking to them, "what are you doing up so early?"
              I must have scared her because when I asked, she looked at me, flustered.
                  "N-Nothing Mr. Gaster.... I-Im sorry that I awoke y-"
                  "You didn't wake me, I was just curious... what are you singing there? The songs that I showed you weren't lyrical, more instrumental?"
                 " Oh... I... I-I had this dream, and there was this boy named Peter Pan. And then I woke up and just wanted to write a song... about it..."
                This one is developing faster that I anticipated. I thought. How strange...yet interesting.
                "Okay but please, get some more sleep."
               "Yes Mr. Gaster." She nodded, looking down at her younger sleeping sister, Dg.
               "Good." I said, and as I was about to walk away, she called for me one more time.
              "Oh and Mr. Gaster?"
                 I stopped in my tracks and turned around. She was standing as a close as she could get to the force field that was her door to the cell.
              "I'm sorry I touched your hand..." she said sadly, looking down.
              "It's fine Sami please do not worry about it..." I said reassuringly.
             "Okay... good night, Mr. Gaster."
             "Good night." I said as I turned around and walked back down the hallway.

                Many thoughts clouded my mind, i wasn't exactly sure about how to feel about this, her talent of singing was so beautiful, i didn't even show her any songs of that sort, yet she managed to write her own so quickly? I wouldn't say i'm proud, nor amazed, but...i am...surprised, It makes me wonder how the other children will develop...

Journal Entry Number 4

Subject S3 is developing rather fast. After I showed her and the other three music, she has managed to write a song. The music that I have shown all of them was some form of classical music. Non of them even involved lyrics.
                I wanted to question her about this but... I see no reason to. It's not like she would know either. There was about a minute of the song she had wrote. Hopefully the others will catch on to things and develop as fast as S3. I'm not hoping that they produce music like hers. But come here along the line of that.

I am slowly running out of things to do with them.

- W. D. Gaster

((Ayyye you guys hows it going? Anyways the song that was played in this, if you didn't know is the song lost boys by Ruth B. The only reason I am saying that is cause *fake sobbing* I dun wanna has the copy writes ;^;... but anyways this is just the next part again we might be stopping soon but please don't worry, it won't be REALLY soon. In the end we might even have a special surprise;). But anyways thank you all for reading so far into this, OVER 800 VIEWS !!! Please do leave some form of suggestions and they might be done... the last one given was done and it was fun to do :D. After all of this useless babbling think it's safe to say please lazily slap, "hit", throw a spear, throw a bone, throw some fire, or stab (whatever your into XD)) that follow and vote button and we will see you in the next part :) have a Sans-ational day!!

- Sam amd Hannah))

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