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There had to be more people out here, it couldn't be just Dan and I. What are the chances of that happening? The only two survivors of whatever happened being in the same town? Impossible.

I spent the day driving around looking for someone else, anyone. My gas tank was full since it was no problem to get now due to it being absolutely free.

I was driving down a deserted LA freeway heading into downtown when I saw something black and shiny dash past a intersection up ahead. I sped up to almost ninety miles an hour and chased after the car.

It might just be Dan, but what if it wasn't? What if it was someone else?

I wasn't too far behind the speeding car now and I saw it pull over to the side of the freeway ahead making me slow down and pull up behind it. I got out of my car kind of excited and my heart sank when Dan got out of the black SUV.

"The hell is your problem?!" He threw up his hands and yelled at me. "Do you really have nothing better to do than to just follow me around?!"

"Oh. It's just you." I said flatly feeling my hope sink.

"There's no one else here, trust me." He said in an angry tone. I went to get back in my car but I paused a moment.

"I don't know what I did to you Dan, but I'm sorry." I said and slammed my car door and drove off.

What did I do to him anyway? Or was he just like that in real life to everyone? Did he just pretend to be a happy person for the Internet?

I angrily pulled up onto my lawn and marched into my house and up the stairs to my room.

Why did I still come back here anyway? I could be anywhere, I could be doing anything, there was nothing to hold me back from doing whatever I wanted.

I started crying as I packed up some of my things, a change or two of clothes, but mostly pictures of my family and little trinkets I had gotten through life, which had made me cry harder. I couldn't stay in this haunting house anymore or this city.

I suddenly froze when I heard something down stairs. Was someone or something in my house?

"Hello?" A voice called from downstairs.


I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and went down stairs where he just stood.

"How do you know where I live?" I asked him from the third to last step.

"I followed you to your neighborhood earlier and I came back and saw your car parked on the lawn of this house." He said as his head looked around my dark house observantly.

"Well go away you fucking weirdo. Who's following who around now?" I snapped at him but to my surprise he didn't snap back.

"Have you been crying?" He wrinkled his brow at me.

"No!" I said defensively as if the idea was just absurd.

"How do you still not have power?" He asked making me give him a confused look. "A Generator, you don't have one?" I now felt stupid.

"No? But I'm about to get out of here anyway."

"To where?"

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