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We loaded the food last of the food that we had just got from a grocery store, into the back of the SUV he had been driving around in. He got into the driver seat and sat there for a second before crawling back into the back seats and I heard him digging around.

I looked out the front window to see the sun about to disappear behind the buildings making me slightly nervous. It wasn't that I was also scared of the night, it was just that when it was dark now it went completely dark. I remembered that weird sound had happened last.

"Look what I've got." He said holding a bottle of what looked to be wine up between us.

"Are you honestly thinking about drinking and driving?" I asked.

"If you mean drinking then driving, no. But I will be drinking while driving, yes. Who's it going to hurt? We're not far from the hotel. This would normally be a very bad thing that I would never in my life condone but we have this whole stretch of road to ourselves. Even if we drank half a bottle each right now it still wouldn't hit us until we got back. Might as well live a little while everyone else isn't." He said and popped the cork as I looked at him in horror.

"You're an idiot." I stated firmly as he tilted his head back and chugged the liquid. "I'm driving."

"I'll be fine." He said and tried to pass the bottle to me as he started the car with his other hand.

"No." I said firmly.

"Chill." He told me just as firmly and he took another drink before putting the car into drive. I promptly put it right back into park before climbing over his lap and opening his car door.

"Get out." I said.

"You're joking." He said flatly.

"I'm not. You're going to continue to drink as you drive. Get out." I repeated.

"No!" His voice went high with shock as if I was the crazy one. I brought my legs up and started kicking at him.

"Ouch! Amelia stop! You're acting like a child right now!" He fought against my kicks.

"No. I'm. Not! I'm being the only sensible one here!" I felt angry at him now and with one final kick he fell out of the seat and managed to catch himself before hitting the parking lot.
I quickly scrambled to get into his seat and handed him his bottle of wine as he gave me an angry look.

"Get in." I told him and he marched around to the other side of the car angrily. He mumbled a "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Before slamming the passenger's side door behind him.

After a moment of Dan continually drinking in silence as I drove, I decided to speak up.

"You're being the child here... just so you know."

"Yeah, I'm literally the child here." His voice dripped with angry sarcasm. I was so tired of him calling me that only to take it back later.

"Fuck you." I hissed. "I'm trying to help you, you giant, lanky, moron! It doesn't hurt you to let me drive, so just shut the hell up and stop being a stubborn bitch!"

"You just fucking knocked me out of the driver's seat and onto the pavement, and now you're calling me a bitch?! Forget what is wrong with me, what the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted at me.

"Oh, are you used to all your subscribers kissing your ass and being nice to you? Like you said you're no one here so you might as well get used to being no one! I bet they wouldn't of kissed your ass if they knew you had an alcohol problem!" I yelled back.

"You don't know me, okay?! I don't have an alcohol problem!"

"You've been drinking every day, even this morning I thought I smelled it on you." I mumbled calling him out "I don't have to know you to notice that. I'm not stupid." I wasn't as much mad at him anymore, as I was completely annoyed with him.

"Would you just back off?" He snapped at me. "I am so over this already." He sighed "I literally don't know if I can stand you being the last person in the world besides me."

His words made me so upset and actually hurt me pretty bad. The rest of the trip back to the hotel was silent. Once we got there, I just went straight in and left him to unload everything by himself.

I went up to my room, laid on my bed, and began to think.

Why was he doing this? Is this what he meant when he said I didn't actually know him? Did he drink all the time and just flip out on people for trying to help them?
I started to wonder, if the only bit of company I had was like this, did I really want him to be my company at all?

Who am I kidding? I'd probably die without him. Besides, he'd probably get over it and apologize to me in the morning or something. That's what he's been doing so far.

I left my ceiling light on tonight as I curled up into bed.
What was wrong with me? I never liked the dark but it had never been this bad before. Maybe it was just something about the apocalypse that made things one hundred times more eerie.

Either way, I was able to fall asleep and drown out all the questions and worries I had.

I woke up feeling kind of sad and alone. Maybe it was the fact that the night before last I had fallen asleep with Dan and now I woke up knowing he was mad at me. There was no way I was going to apologize to him because he was the one in the wrong. I decided to just sit in my room for most of the day until I got too hungry in the afternoon and decided to make my way down to the kitchen.

I had almost made it there when I saw Dan coming down the hall heading my way. I decided I was just going to ignore him until he apologized, and hopefully that would be now.

I was wrong.

He didn't even acknowledge we had even passed each other or that I was even there. I don't know why but that made me even more angry. I stopped in my tracks and turned around in the hall.

"Hey!" I yelled making him stop and do the same. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Aren't you going to apologize for last night?!" I yelled at him in disbelief.

"Well yeah, but I thought you would want some time to cool off first. You seemed pretty mad at me last night." He stated but I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't need time to cool off, I need an apology." I stated with frustration.

"Okay, I'm sorry then!" He said defensively. "Are you sorry?"

"For what?! I didn't even do anything wrong!" I said in surprise and defense.

"Seriously? You kicked me into a parking lot."

"I had to." I replied.

"You didn't." He argued and crossed his arms. "Look, if you just apologize we can both stop fighting."

"I didn't do anything!" I yelled again as I threw my hands up in agitation.

"Fine, be a child then." He said and turned around and started walking but I went after him and stepped in front of him making him stop once again.

"You said you wouldn't call me that anymore!" I yelled not letting this go.

"You know what?! I was wrong!" He finally blew up with aggravation and anger in his brown eyes. "You are a child! And it's not your body that's the problem, it's your brain. Stop being so immature Amelia! God damn!" I stood there stunned for a moment. I wasn't expecting him to yell back at me, not like this.
He walked around me and quickly continued down the hall leaving me standing there.

I felt like crying.

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