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The sun had set by the time we reached the sign and darkness had taken over the sky. I had to get out the flashlight I had packed as we reached the big fence that separated the Hollywood sign from us.

"Ready?" I asked him and he just gave me a confused look before I began to climb the fence.

"Uh uh." He said and grabbed me around my waist and pulled me down off of it and sat me gently down.

"Why not?" I laughed.

"Because that's basically death beyond that fence. One wrong move and you'll go rolling down this entire thing." He said.

"We." I said.


"You mean we will go rolling down this entire thing." I corrected him. "You're coming too." I said and began to climb the gate again before his long arms picked me back off of it again and sat me down.

"Dan." I whined. "C'mon. It's fine as long as we're careful." I said.

"No, in not letting you get yourself killed and I'm not climbing that fence." He objected with his hands on his hips.

"I've been over this fence so many times today, just trust me. There's a place for us to sit right there." I pointed.

"Okay, you know what? Fine." He finally agreed.

I climbed back up the gate this time without him stopping me.
I found myself looking at him on the other side with a big grin on my face.

"Your turn." I wanted to see this.

"This is just going to be embarrassing." He sighed.

"Oh come on, I did it with a backpack on in like ten seconds." I teased him.

"Right. Here I go." He said and made the most pathetic attempt I had ever seen at someone climbing something ever.

"Boy, you really need to get in shape." I told him as he fell back down and went to try again. "Perfect day for leggings." I laughed making him smile and fall again.

"Okay. I can't do it. I'm a clumsy idiot and you're a graceful gazelle, is that what you want to hear?" He stood in defeat on the other side of the fence.

"Yup. Now that you've admitted defeat I can show you an easier way to do this." I told him and took a few steps to the left and pulled back a piece of the metal wired fence that I had cut earlier.

"I hate you." He chuckled as he knelt down and went through the hole that was just large enough for him to slip through.

"I knew you'd need help, I just wanted to see you try." I laughed as I took a seat by the sign and he sat down beside me. Everything was pitch black below us and it just looked like a pit of nothingness. One wrong move on this dark, tall hill would of immediately sent us tumbling to our deaths right into it.

"I like the sentiment, but honestly it's kind of a downer looking out at this." He said.

"That's not what I brought you out here for." I told him and I checked the time on my phone.

"Is it to look at the stars then?" He asked.

"No. Just don't fall off the cliff here in about a minute, okay?"

"Why? What happens in about a minute? Is it scary?" He asked with a chuckle.

"It might startle you." I warned.

"Oh god you're throwing my dumb ass off here, aren't you?" He joked.

"No." I laughed and took hold of his arm and he looked at it before giving me a weird look. "It's so you don't get scared and fall."

"If you wanted to hold me on a cliff you could have just said." He joked again.

"You're going to pee your leggings." I said and with that a loud pop sounded through the sky making him grab for me and shout "Fuck-bloody-wank-fuck!"

I laughed at his surprise and momentary fear and watched his face go from terror to awe and then a smile as he watched the next firework burst in the sky.

"You did this?!" He laughed in disbelief.

"Yes. It wasn't too hard."

"Bullshit." He said as a few more popped into the sky.

"It wasn't too bad."

"This is so beautiful." He grinned at the sky. "Thank you so much." He took my hand in his.

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