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My eyes began to blink closed flickering out the dim lamp light from my bedside table as I nodded off.

I couldn't of been asleep for too long when I heard an annoying hum, It just continued to drone on and on as I tossed and turned in my bed hoping it would go away. It began to grow a little louder and that's when I sat up in bed and realized I was in the dark and it was the noise I had heard earlier.

I let out a little squeal and a sudden sensation of terror shot through my spine. I listened for a moment confirming the noise was real and it was just as creepy as earlier, if not worse.
I began to imagine it as the sound of a giant space ship moving and that's when I jumped out of my bed, ran out my door and down the dark hall to Dan's door.

I rapidly pounded on the door as hard as my knuckles would let me. After only two repetitions of this, Dan threw open the door with his hair looking slightly damp, curly, and messy. He wore a sleepy look on his face and his eyes were half closed and confused.

"T-t-the noise..." I stuttered out quickly and pointed to my room.

"What?" He asked in confusion. I went quiet as I listened for it again, only to hear nothing but my panicked breathing. "The noise you heard earlier?" He asked.

"Yeah, it happened again... and my lights went out." I threw in.

Dan flipped the light switch right next to where he was standing and his lights turned on behind him revealing him to be wearing a black shirt and a grey pair of sweatpants. He gave me a sigh as I just stood there completely baffled as I realized the lightbulb in my lamp probably just blew and I didn't think to check the overhead lights to see if they still worked.

"Come on." He told me and left his room door open as he walked back in.

I stood there a moment wondering why he wanted me to come in with him, but I decided to follow anyway because it was better than being out there in that dark hall, all alone.

I closed the door behind me and walked further in to see him removing the flat sheet from his bed and leaving the crisp white duvet that was still messed up from him sleeping in it.

"I'm sorry." I said

"It's alright." He said and let out a yawn before laying down in a curled up ball on the very small couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going back to sleep. You can leave whatever lights on that you want, it won't bother me."

"You want me to go to sleep in your bed?"

"No, my bed is back in London. This is just a hotel bed, you can have it for the night." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're scared so I thought having me in the same room with you will prevent you from beating on my door like a maniac." He gave me a very sleepy smile.

I crawled into his bed and looked at him barely fitting on the sofa in the small ball he was in with a thin sheet to cover him and I felt guilty.

"Dan, we can both have the bed. You barely fit on that sofa and it's making me feel awful."

"I'll be alright." He tried to assure me.

"Please. I feel really bad about all of this and it would make me feel better just for you to get in the bed. It's not just because I want to sleep in the same bed with you either, it's because I don't want you to be in pain tomorrow for something that I caused."

"You just said you want to sleep in the same bed with me." He laughed with a grin.

"That's not what I meant!" I said defensively.

"I know." He said ending the teasing. "If I have to sleep in the same bed with you then you don't need these." He shuffled over to the light switch and flicked it off before I felt the bed sink in beside me in the dark. It was quiet for a moment and I didn't feel scared anymore in the slightest.

"Didn't Michael Jackson get in trouble for sleeping in the same bed with minors?" He asked

"I think he got in more trouble for the molestation thing. Besides, who's around to prosecute you?"

"Well then neither of us have anything to worry about now, do we?" I took his question as an obviously rhetorical one and didn't answer. "Good night." He said and I felt him shift in the bed.

"Goodnight." I answered.

I woke up to him not being in the bed, not even the room. I had noticed that every morning since we had been stuck together that he had always been up and about in the mornings, where as I thought he had mentioned before in his videos he had problems getting up and slept all day. Maybe his internal clock had shifted since he had been in America or something? I don't know.

I felt really bad about waking him up last night and him having to share his bed with me though, so I thought I should rectify the situation somehow.

I ran to my room and retrieved my phone before heading down to the kitchen in hopes he wasn't there, and I was happy when he wasn't.

I decided to make pancakes and looked up how to on my phone. I gathered up the ingredients and tried as hard as I could to follow the directions. Every single one of the six I had made turned out awful and mostly burnt, so I decided to do it again. The second time around not only were they too fat and burnt on one side, but they were somehow raw in the middle and I had burnt myself on the hot pan making me scream before uttering out a string of curse words.

A few moments later Dan appeared in the doorway looking concerned and asked if I was alright.

"I'm fine, I just got burnt." I told him and he quickly came over to me, took my arm and led me to the sink and stuck the quickly appearing, red burn mark on my wrist over the sink and opened a gallon of cold water from the refrigerator and slowly poured it over my arm.

"What are you doing and what are those?" He asked glancing at my set up and my failed pancakes as he still held my arm and tricked the water over the burn.

"Pancakes, I was trying to make pancakes."

"Oh yeah? How's that working using a pot and a wooden spoon?" I watched him smile.

"Obviously not very well." I said as he capped back off the gallon of water and looked me dead in the eyes.

"You don't know how to cook, do you?"

"No." I replied.

"You've got to be kidding me." I heard him say under his breath.

"That's not nice! I was trying!" I said defensively.

"I don't know how to put this delicately, but you're literally the worst person to be stuck in this post apocalyptic universe with." I opened my mouth to tell him off but he spoke again. "Don't worry though, I can teach you."

I decided I was alright with that offer.

*Edited by Josiemakattack198

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