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I woke up in my own room with two giant jugs of water sitting by my bed.

Even with the curtains closed, the light in my room still hurt my head. I'd never had a hang over before or any more than two beers in my whole life until now, I sure as hell never woke up feeling like this before.

What had even happened last night? I pushed the covers off my body to see I was still in the dress I had put on last night before Dan and I had dinner, meaning we probably didn't do anything too wild if you catch my drift.

Holy crap, dinner last night.

Had Dan seriously called me the future mother of his children? For some reason I thought that that thought would of been a lot more sexy than it actually was.
Don't get me wrong, Dan was hot, like really (really, really) hot but the thought of squeezing a child out of my crotch with no doctors post apocalypse wasn't very appealing,
he was right.

Also, I had drunkenly cried on him last night, That was kind of the last thing I remember, and it was embarrassing.

I guessed I had probably passed out on him after crying.
My god, I was a damn mess.

I wouldn't blame him for thinking I was a child even though he said he would look at us as equals, I mean I was literally crying because I'm scared of the dark and I missed my mommy.

I realized I had just been laying in my bed in regret of my past actions for a while now, and that probably wasn't a good thing.

I was also starting to feel lonely in the silence. I wanted to go find Dan, but I also didnt want to bother him.

Athought popped into my hung over brain that I had somehow missed earlier while going over last night in my head.

I was in my bed, and that only meant one thing. Dan had carried me into my room and put me in bed. I couldnt help but smile at the sort of romantic thought of him doing that.

I decided to get dressed and go down to the kitchen and see what there was for me to eat.

The halls were still pretty dark and so was the stair case. I honestly didn't trust the elevator and didn't know if it was working.

It was so dark because the halls had no windows to let light in and their lights had been turned off by Dan to conserve power.

I made my way down to the big industrial kitchen that use to be ran probably by a bunch of staff all day.
In here the lights were on and all of the apliances seemed to work.

I peeked inside the set of big double doored refridgerators and saw things like fruit and milk. I looked in the big walk in freezer to find frozen slabs of meat and vegetableas and fruits, this place seemed pretty stocked up.

I came out of the freezer and suddenly saw something dark that wasnt there before making me let out a squeal and take a step back.

"How exactly did I scare you?" Dan asked "We're litterally the last too living things on this planet besides plants. Seriously, how?"

"Shut up." I said with embarassment.

"You looking for breakfast?" He asked "I mean lunch now, it's past noon."

"Yeah but I didnt see anything." I answered.

"There's like a big pantry room right there." He pointed to his thumb at a door that he must have just come from because he had a half eaten granola bar in his hand. "Here." he seemed to reach into his back pocket and toss something across the room at me which I somehow managed to catch without it hitting me in the face.

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