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"You're joking, right?" He finally looked up from  his phone and at me.

"No?" I said wishing I would of said yes.

"First off Adam and Eve never even existed. Secondly, if we hypothetically had children who would those children mate with in order to make more children? Do you want our grandchildren to be hideous, disabled and inbred?" He still wasn't done beating down my idea "third... I just can't."

"Wait, are you gay?" I said suddenly remembering him and Phil might have a thing together. With my luck the last man on earth was gay.

"No I'm not gay! Not even remotely!" He said defensively.

"Oh so what's wrong with me then?" I asked offended.

"You're seventeen and I'm 25, there's not a single Doctor left in this world to deliver a baby, and again the mating thing with the grandchildren." He was now visibly annoyed.

"Oh so it is my age. Weren't you the one who said I was an adult? Besides, does age really matter at this point?!" I argued.

"Oh god." He groaned "Why is the last woman on earth a fucking teenage fan girl." I looked at him shocked with raised eyebrows for a moment before getting up and stomping off.

"Good luck on your quest to find someone to mate with!" He yelled to me as I walked away.

Once I got to the stairs I ripped off my heels because Dan wasn't the only thing I was sick of and that hurt me.

I wasn't even saying we should, I was just suggesting it for sometime possibly in the future. I didn't want to have children with him anyway, they would probably be assholes like him.

I changed into some shorts and a T-shirt once I got into my room and got on my phone and just googled random things, being careful to avoid social media sites. I debated on packing up my things and just leaving Dan in this stupid hotel by himself forever.

He was right though, there were so many holes in that plan, I mean him rejecting it didn't hurt as bad as as him pretty much calling me a child. It felt like I was only an adult when it was convenient for him.

He probably just found me so repulsive he didn't want to sleep with me, hell, I wouldn't sleep with me. I was lazy, almost eighteen and scared of the dark, and I also had a bit of a temper.

Actually, now that I think about it I really had no desire to have sex right now anyway, I mean Dan was attractive but my options were pretty damn limited, so what did it matter if I just didn't?

Let's be real here, humanity was kind of doomed anyway (which we could mostly blame on Kim Kardashian and the Kardashians in general) so why not just end humanity's ridiculousness now ? If this wouldn't have happened then maybe someday I would have had kids even lazier than myself who did just stay on computers all day, I would be such an awful mother anyway. This didn't even need to be a big deal.

I looked over at the window through the sliver of a gap left open in my curtains, the sun was setting. How long had I been in here? There was a knock on my door and I refused to answer it, however there was only one quick couple of knocks and they weren't persistent as I waited.

I finally got up and went over to the door only to not see him outside once again. I looked on the floor, nothing. I almost missed the note that had been taped to my door.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Amelia.
Meet me in the ball room on the first floor in thirty minutes, wear something nice if you have it." The note said. What the fuck was this? I didn't understand him, one minute he's yelling at me and the next he was trying to be Prince Charming. I groaned but put on one of the nice black dresses I stole today and a pair of heels. I put my hair up not wanting to get too fancy and waited around until it was time.

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