ErdxGunther - Memories

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"Hey Gunther, don't piss your pants now!" Erd hollered, grinning at his friend from his horse. 

Gunther laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'd only piss my pants laughing at you for doing it!" 

They were about to leave the wall, on their first mission outside. Erd was pretty nervous, but he didn't look as bad as Gunther. He was slightly shaking, but kept a straight face. On the signal, they were hurried out onto the other side of the wall, pulling up their hoods as rain trickled down from the darkened clouds above.

Erd looked over at Gunther as they where signaled to retreat back to the wall. He was curious as to if he was scared or relieved, after suddenly remembering their first expedition together. He gave a small smile and hurried to get to his side, so he could talk to him about it, and maybe laugh together like they used to. 

But as he got closer, they all diverted their attention to a hooded figure to the side. It wasn't facing them but it had a small figure and reminded him of the Corporal. He felt relieved as first, but when Gunther growled, he thought differently. "Who are you?!"

Gunther and Erd stood in front of Corporal Levi, blood turning cold as the man stared at them silently. He cocked his head slightly to the side and smiled. "Welcome to the squad." 

Erd breathed out and laughed, patting his friend on the back. Gunther chuckled and looked over at him, looking like he was going to pass out. Erd started laughing harder, mostly trying to hold back the tears as he placed his hand on his friends head and leaned his own against it. "We did it, Gunther. And you didn't even piss your pants!"

"Stop saying that, I never would have anyways!" Gunther laughed, joyful tears rolling down his cheeks.


Erd snapped out of his trance and blinked in front of him. Gunther was hanging upside down from the grapples hooked on a branch. His eyes widened and it took everything in him to keep his cool. He'd have to mourn after he killed the son of a bitch. 

He turned and watched the figure disappear. A flash of light blinded him and faded as the female type charged through the trees. Gritting his teeth, he turned to Eren. "Eren! Go to the headquarters, now!" 

"Have faith in us!" Petra yelled, and Erd nodded, agreeing with her. The boy nodded and hurried away as all three turned. He looked to Auruo and then to Petra, earning a look from each of them, hoping for the best outcome. 

He was going to distract the titan by having its attention set on him so the two can go in for an attack. He went forward first, getting just close enough till it reached out to grab him. Dodging and moving out of the way, he watched its hand go again until it looked at the others, the grapples around hooked into the cheeks. 

He grinned as they took out the eyes, causing it to fall back and hold it's hands over the nape of its neck. "Cut the arms!" He yelled, needing to take charge as he should, since Gunther was now gone. Glaring, he started driving the blades into the muscle. After several times, the arms dropped and he lowered his head.

This is for Gunther, you bitch. He rushed forward, aiming for the neck. His heart stopped and he felt all the air leave his lungs. The titan's right eye shot open and her mouth caught him. I'm sorry. I failed Gunther. Searing pain engulfed him and he could only see the inside of the mouth before it slowly faded away.

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