Jading Innocence

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A.N. Something goes here. A potential relationship, a bud. Cut off just as he gets home? Somebody, I need feed back!



"Gabriel, Honey, come into the living room. Your father and I need to talk to you." My mother called from somewhere in the house. I assumed from the living room, but my ears never could seem to pinpoint direction, I would make an awfully blind bat.

"Mom," I questioned nervously as I entered the room. My father wouldn't look at me and my mother was giving me her guilty look. It's never good when a parent gives you the guilty look. Parents have this instinctual need to blame everything that's wrong with you on you, which makes no sense because you are obviously all their fault. So, that look, means you're really not going to like what they say next.

"You know your father and I just want what's best for you, right," she began. I sat down hard, swallowing apprehensively. There was no way this could be good.

"You're getting married," my father said stoically.

"Well, yeah, someday," I shrugged. "I'm only eighteen; if this is about grandkids, you'll just have to keep your shorts on."

They didn't return my smile.

"Your father and I," my mother began, her voice broke off and now she wouldn't look me in the eye. I swear I could hear my heart beat pulsing right out my eyes.

"We've set up an arranged marriage for you, we've met our new in law already."

"Wait?!" My voice cracked.

"The young man just left this morning, dear," my mother gentled. "He's a handsome and kind. He'll take good care of you."

She patted my hand like that would make it better. I'd only kissed a handful of times. I'd never gotten a chance to explore who I was and now the chance was being taken from me. Anxiety overwhelmed me. How was I supposed to marry some stranger? A guy?! What the hell were my parents thinking? Had we somehow been transported back in time a few hundred years? Who the hell got an arranged marriage? Did arranged homosexual marriages actually exist? Who ever heard of such a ridiculous thing? They had to be joking, right?

My father's serious expression said otherwise.

"We'll give you some time to get to know one another, but your engagement will be announced by the end of the month and I want the wedding in little over a year. You don't have to take part in planning the ceremony unless you want to, but as of tomorrow you are engaged and I expect you to act like it."

Paralyzed in shock, I missed my chance to begin my parents' well-earned reprimanding before my father left the room as if all we'd been discussing was what car I was taking to school tomorrow. My mother kissed my forehead and walked away while my head imploded.

What the hell just happened?



This is where the meeting scene will go once I have one. This is what I have so far. If you read this please comment, I could definately use the help.



"Remember that entrepreneurship scholarium thing your father participated in about two years ago?" My mom was waxing on and on about this random guy they were forcing me to marry while I poked at my cereal. "only his junior year...won state and then just up and disappeared before national finals...pick up Maddy...found him...director said..."

I took in only every other third of her sentences. She just wouldn't shut up. I'm sure she'd say he was made of brie cheese if it would make this all better. Nothing could. She was selling me off! Me her only son! Her only child! And she was going to let my father use me as a sacrificial pawn in his political chess game!

A quiet eight year old hopped up on the bar stool next to me. Reaching for the cereal.

"Hey, Maddy," I greeted, pouring her milk for her. She grunted, still mostly asleep. My cousin's real name was Madeline, but about a year ago she'd seen the movie Matilda and demanded we change her name. I got away with calling her Maddy by saying I slurred my Ts.

My mom growled, cross I was ignoring her.

I'm eighteen now, aren't I? Doesn't that mean they can't force me to marry anybody? Could they force me? I knew sixteen was legal in our state with parent's consent, but what about without the groom's consent? Was I even the groom in this case? I was getting hitched to another guy, apparently a more manly man to replace my father's disappointingly sissy son. I pondered that sad thought. Sure I was shy, I kept my dark bangs long so I could hide behind them when I looked at people. I was even somewhat scrawny. But if all my father wanted was a buff, self-confident heir why didn't he just officially adopt Gad? I knew they'd already quietly adopted Maddy, so why hadn't they done the same for her brother? At the time I'd just thought it was because Gad was already an adult, and adults don't need to be adopted, right? But this whole wedding thing seemed like an excuse to replace me, so why not just make Gad his heir? Was it because of the whole gay scandal thing? Why didn't they just adopt this random ass guy? He was gay, right? There was no need to shackle me to him. Just adopt him and show him off with a boyfriend or two. That'd be good enough wouldn't it?

I buried my head in my arms, knocking over my cereal with my forehead. Maddy giggled; my mom threw me a kitchen rag with a scowl. I swiped at the mess, ignoring my hair so that I dripped onto the freshly clean surface after each swipe. I growled theatrically, enjoying Maddy's delighted giggles as I repeated the process more vigorously.

I was cleaning up the mess, milk trailing down my face onto the counter from my soaked hair when my father waddled into the room fallowed by an ancient Greek hero in a suit so new I spotted a tag my father had forgotten to cut off. I smirked, and then realized just how bad I looked. At least I'd worn waterproof guy liner.

God that sounded fruity.

"Micah," growled a deep husky voice that shivered up my spine. The hulking Adonis reached a hand out to me and I flinched, shrinking into myself in shame and fear. Damn, this guy was big! And, why the hell hadn't my father told me he was bringing the guy over first thing in the damn morning?! And on a Wednesday no less!

"Gabriel!" My mother chided, hustling over to great the stranger they expected me to sleep with someday. I cringed at the thought. Sure he was attractive, he even made my stomach flutter - or maybe that was the nerves -, but did he have to be twice my damn size?! He loomed at least a foot over me, and if he wasn't careful he'd probably squash me to death when he -

Why the hell was I thinking about that?


Is this chapter finished? How do I complete it?


Picture is of Gabriel-------------->


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