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A.N. Random Beautiful Music
Doesn't necessarily fit the chapter.

P.S. If you've never seen the last unicorn, your childhood was incomplete.






“At this time of year?”

My friends shared a derisive look.

"And you agreed to this?"

I stood up to pace. I needed to move.

"There I was, letting him out of our never-gonna-happen date when he pops out with 'we're going camping' and runs away like a fox trotted bunny."

Cody, Kit, Joy, and I were waiting at my house for Emi to get back with the madrigal audition results. All of us, 'non-vocalists', were banned from the music hall for the duration of the feeding frenzy that were the auditions. After seeing the lead in the musical suffer an unfortunate 'accident' right after results postings, I'd vowed never to go anywhere near the tack board if when anything even vaguely important was posted.

Vic just wasn't invited. We never invited him when we had something important going on. . . Actually, we just never invited him. He kinda just showed up wherever we happened to be: a birthday party, bowling, last year’s family impromptu trip to that one hotel during the summer...He was a sort of social pariah. We pitied him enough to tolerate the way he invited himself to nearly everything.. Until our patience for his crude outbursts ran thin.

“So… you’re going?” Cody inquired, with a disapproving tone. I sighed.

"Why?" Kit asked. He didn't have the same patience most people had with just going along with the flow of things. If he didn't want to do something, he didn't. End. Of Story. It was a miracle that his grades were so damn good.

Because it’s my date, and I want it.

“Because I should?”

Another round of glares and frowning between all my very sceptical friends.

“Gabriel, when was the last time- No, have you ever been camping before?”

“I went on those nature hikes in elementary school.”

More staring.

“Your faces are going to freeze that way.” Their staring deserved it, divine punishment.

“Gabe, I know you two don’t really know each other, you’ve barely had any time together. But, there has to be something seriously wrong with this guy if he thinks taking you camping is a good idea. Let alone on a first date.”

I bristled a bit at that. How was I ever supposed to experience new things if people were wary of inviting me to try them? So what if I didn’t enjoy camping? I wouldn’t know until I tried it, right?

“Maybe he’s a pervert?”

I gasped at Joy. How dare she?! Just where the hell had that come from?

“You know, cuz they’ll be all out in the woods. Alone. Where it’s cold.” That seemed to mean more to the rest of them than it did to me.

“Maybe I need to have a talk with him,” Kit started cracking his knuckles.

“Maybe all of you need to stop being completely ridiculous.”

“I’m just saying! The guy is over twenty and hasn’t had any ‘action’ in a very long time.”


“Just say’n!”

“Oh, My God, we are so done talking about this!”

Joy’s giggles followed me out the room.

Where did they get off talking about Micah like that. If their insults of him had been at least more realistic…

I felt bad, I wanted to complain. It’s obvious Micah was a nice guy. By calling him a perv...Did they think I was just being obnoxious? That I didn’t have a right to complain? Is that why they weren’t taking me seriously? Micah was a great guy. Did that mean I didn’t have the right to complain about it when he hurt my feelings? They’re my friends. They’re supposed to let me vent my feelings, spoiled or not. I mean, it was my first date, and he was obviously surking it. That deserved a good tongue lashing didn’t it?

Maybe not. Maybe I was just a spoiled little rich boy. What right did I have to complain about anything. Nothing truly bad had ever happened to me. I’d never go hungry. I’d never been mugged. My parents were both alive, healthy, and, generally, good people. So what if they were forcing me to marry a really great guy. Who’d probably spoil me as rotten as they had.

That’s right, spoiled rotten. That’s what I was. A fuzzy putrid green all the way to the core.

Of course Micah wouldn’t want me to go on a date with me. Who would?




Camping huh?

Micah liked camping? Well, he deserved to do something he enjoys for once. No reason we couldn’t enjoy it together. Actually, I guess it was good of him to try to share something he enjoys with me. I’d have to get used to it eventually. After all, when we had kids we’d probably have to take them camping sometime. So they could bond, sharing a hobby with their father.

I closed the refrigerator door and headed back upstairs with a bowl of berries.

Wait, if Micah’s their father, does that make me… Nope, not going to finish that thought.


A.N. So...I lost track of where I was going with this chapter. If I ever remeber I'll go back and change it.

The overall lession of this chapter is depression sucks. It's not something you can outwardly see, but it makes a damn big impact on your psyche.

So, sorry for the depressing-ness.

I'll have a real chapter up as soon as I can get my perfectionist half to just get over itself and just except it's not going to get any better.

Dedication to mydearcc for helping me get this chapter out there.

A special thanks to blazygloblazers for creating some very nice book covers for me. I'm will figure out a way to get them as chapter images as soon as possible.

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