Icy Sins

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It surprised me when my new fiancé had asked me on a date. Maybe I'd said yes just because it was the only thing to come out of my mouth when I tried to force words out my flabbergasted brain. Except, not only had I said it once, I'd said it twice, repeating myself...the same answer...after he'd zoned out on me.

It was a good thing, I supposed. If I was going to marry this guy I really should get to know him. And whatever reason my father had chosen him, I probably would go through with the wedding, if only because I couldn't stand to see Kennedy, Abby, or Jefferey go back to the life of scrimping and scraping every penny in dingy apartments and less than ideal streets.

The kids literally saved every penny. You should have seen the way they'd scrambled to help me pick up some fallen change the first time I'd take them out the mall. I'd thought it was adorable, if a little strange for a twelve year old boy to be joining in. That was, until a few hours later when Kennedy had started jumping up and down excitedly. She'd handed me a dingy penny and the ernest way Jeffery had praised her for finding it had broken my heart enough I'd actually kept the nasty thing. Even if I had dragged us all into the bathroom to disinfect after vowing to turn the jean pockets inside out when I washed them next. - Or, more accurately, threw them in the laundry room hamper next.

What kind of date would Micah take me on?
What sort of things was he interested in?

My initial excitement was bringing to sour by the end of the week.

Maybe he regrets asking me, I thought.

Micah was avoiding me. He never gave me a time for this supposed date, and he wouldn't give me a chance to demand one, leaving the room nervously every time I walked in.

Today was Friday. A perfect date night in most of the known world and he'd left me at home, alone. He'd actually dropped me off at home before picking up the kids. Oblivious shit that I am, I actually got out of the car before it dawned on me that we forgotten them. Micah had actually locked me out of the car when I tried to get back in.

"The kids," I'd screamed at the bloody oaf, tugging at the handle incessantly.

He rolled down the window a mear crack to yell at me, "I'll go get them, you go inside and get warm."

The HELL was wrong with him?!

He put the car in reverse and let it go a jerk, making me jump back from the threat of having my toes run over.

Dumbass! What if my foot had been a few inches closer to the wheel?! He couldn't tell from inside the car!

Half an hour later I'd come to my mom, concerned that we might need to go out looking for them. She'd informed me that Micah was taking the kids out to the park to play and get ice cream.

"He went to get ice cream, and LEFT ME BEHIND?!" I screamed at her.

I know it didn't happen, but I visualized my face turning purple.

Patronizing me I could understand; I was a pathetic shit. I may even be able to forgive. But getting ice cream without me!!!
That kind of sin could never be forgiven!!!

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