With the Help of Friends

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A.N. This is entirely unedited. I’m counting on you all to help me. The original was better. When wattpad deleted my chapter I had to rewrite it, and it just wasn’t the same. I’m not happy with it. So I’m counting on you guys to help me polish it up a bit, fill it in, anything. I’m really disappointed in it and the two chapters before it that I’m posting it all together with.



"Two weeks."

"Two weeks."

"As in, over twelve days."


A very large hand hit me over the back of the head.


"What the hell's wrong with you? That hurt!"

"Aw. You poor fucking baby."

"Language Saiben!"

She just rolled her big round eyes at me.

"First," she actually held up fingers for me, "you ask the poor kid on his first real date. You give him a whole week to get excited... And, you end up taking his cousin instead."

"She's seven!" I interrupted in protest. It sounded way worse than it had been. I was just trying to get ideas-

"Second," she interrupted my thought process, internally defending myself against the insinuation of disloyalty. As if I would ever- "You leave him at home to sulk while you go out for treats without him."

I couldn't protest that, his mother had ended up giving up hers to Gabriel and he'd still sulked the whole way through 'Frozen' - and he loved disney! He didn't even sing along to 'Do You Wanna Build a Snowman' and rumor has it he sometimes sung that in the shower. It was kinda eerie to hear the girls sing 'Let it Go' without him. It was like a foreshadowing of doom.

"Then," Saiben wasn't done berating me yet. "You're dumb enough to let him hide away the rest of the weekend playing World of Warcraft!"

I didn't exactly have the right to protest that. Against him or her.

"And to top it off, you tell the kid you're postponing the date you should be down on your hands and knees begging for! For an entire two weeks!

"Are you trying to tell the kid you hate him or that you just don't give a shit?!"

It hurt that Saiben could accuse me of that.

She sighed, he shoulders losing their angry, rigid edge.

"I'm not saying that's what you're like. I know you didn't mean it that way.

"But by your own admission this kid has self-esteem, communication, and relationship issues." That was not how I said that. "That you don't like him is all he's going to have read from all that."

I sighed in resignation. Saiben may not have said it in an entirely accurate way, but, yeah... I'd fucked up. And Gabriel had the right to hate me for it.

All this because I took the kids out to ice cream. God, why do you hate me?

"Help me," I begged Saiben pathetically.

"You so owe me a fucking Porsche for this!"

"You know I don't have that kind of money," I monotoned. I kept telling her it's not my money, but I guess I can't blame her for teasing me about it. She was right about one thing. If I ever did have that kind of money, I would so owe her.

“You would if you’d let me sell this kind of information to the freak squad.” (The freak squad being Kelsy’s possy of fangirls.)

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” And I would.

“Ok. So, your idea for a date is perfect. It’s personalized, unique, cliché, dorky. A total geek fest. You’ll have a great time. He’ll love it. Your problem is your timing. You can’t just let him think you don’t give a shit. And believe me, that’s what he’s thinking. So, this is what you’re going to do. And remember the phrase ‘I just couldn’t wait to spend time with you’. Quote it numb nuts cuz it’s really fucking important. You get me?”

I was in for a long night.

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